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Tally is powerful accounting software, which is driven by a technology called concurrent multi-lingual accelerated technology engine. It is easy to use software and is designed to simply complex day to day activities associated in an enterprise.

Tally provides comprehensive solution around accounting principles, inventory and data integrity. Tally also has feature encompassing global business. Tally software comes with easy to use interface thus making it operationally simple.

Tally accounting software provides a solution around inventory management, stock management, invoicing, purchase order management, discounting, stock valuation methodology, etc.

Tally accounting software also comes with drill down options, which can track every detail of transaction.

It helps in maintaining simple classification of accounts, general ledger, accounts receivable and payable, bank reconciliation, etc.

The technology employed by tally makes data reliable and secure.

Tally software supports all the major types of file transfer protocols. This helps in connecting files across multiple office locations.

Tally accounting software is capable of undertaking financial analysis and financial management. It provides information around receivables turnover, cash flow statement, activity consolidation and even branch accounting.

Tally accounting software is easy to set up and simple to use. A single connection can support multiple users. It can be easily used in conjunction with the Internet making possible to publish global financial reports.

Tally accounting software can seamlessly connect with various Microsoft applications.

Benefits of Tally Accounting Software

Any business owner understands the importance of maintaining proper books of account. This practice ensures that finance for the company is always in order and are correct at all given points of time. Company should always be aware of its financial positions.

Earlier, most of the businesses were employing manual practice in maintaining books of account. However, with the advent of modern information technology, this task can be performed by accounting software. Tally is one such all powerful accounting software.

Tally accounting software provides a solution to all the problems real businesses have to encounter. Single software takes care of all tasks required for enterprise management.

Accounting task such as records keeping, accounts receivable and payable management and bank reconciliation are made simple through tally.

Financial management is also made simpler under Tally software. The software allows management of finances across multiple locations can handle multiple currency transactions, manage cash flow and interest payment.

Thus, Tally software is flexible, reliable, secure, easy to use and affordable.

MS Excel and Financial Decision-Making Model

Excel 2010 features rich analytical functions such as Pivot Tables, Advanced Graph and Decision Analytics.

The current excel have developed functionality and reduces the dependency on VBA codes.

Excel has formula groups and nested functions, which are able to undertake major of financial calculations.

Conditional formula such as logic, lookup, indirect and match functions help in data analysis and What-If analysis.

Excel provides the basic framework to develop simple and manageable financial models.

Though excel framework is unstable for certain type of analysis, but still it functionalities and compatibility make it an ideal tool for finance decision making.

Article Written by

MSG Team

An insightful writer passionate about sharing expertise, trends, and tips, dedicated to inspiring and informing readers through engaging and thoughtful content.

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