Benefits of Job Rotation
February 12, 2025
Let us go through few relationship strategies within the workplace: Don’t enter office with the perception that office colleagues can never be good friends. Infact there are people who have their best friends at the workplace only. Leave all your personal problems behind. Don’t start working the moment you enter office. Work becomes monotonous this […]
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Job Analysis is a primary tool to collect job-related data. The process results in collecting and recording two data sets including job description and job specification. Any job vacancy can not be filled until and unless HR manager has these two sets of data. It is necessary to define them accurately in order to fit […]
Data, Data Everywhere, But No Insights Yet Corporates generate much data on a daily basis that can include everything from data about performance of employees, payroll metrics, production figures, outage times, and just about any conceivable functions such as Sales and Marketing, Admin, HR, and the like. Of particular interest to corporates, and that too […]
A healthy employee relationship leads to an increased level of satisfaction among the employees and in turn an increased productivity. Workplace becomes a much happier place and employees tend to concentrate more on work rather than unproductive things. Motivation plays an important role in a healthy employee relationship. A motivated employee works better and at […]
Job analysis is the process of identifying and determining in detail contents of a particular job, thereby, clearly defining duties, responsibilities, accountabilities, and skills associated with the job. An important aspect of job analysis is that the analysis is conducted of the job, and not of the person. The process of job analysis results in two sets of data:
Job evaluation, on the other hand, specifies the relative value or worth of each job in an organization.
An organization undertakes the task of job analysis and evaluation for one or many of the following purposes:
An organization can appoint internal HR Specialists or take service of an HR Consulting Firm to carry out the project of job analysis and evaluation with the aim of meeting the pre-determined purposes as mentioned above. However, external HR Consultants are beneficial for their expertise and independent views.
The systematic process of job analysis and evaluation followed by the firm includes:
The various methods by which an HR Consultant can obtain the information for job description and job specification are:
Job evaluation is done by any of the following methods:
The outputs of job analysis and evaluation are then aligned to the purpose of the project. This requires the HR Consultants to interpret the changes required in the existing job/pay and suggesting the improvements, as required. HR Consultants also advice on smooth incorporation of these changes to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.
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