Current Employment Trends and Their Implications for Business, Society, and Individuals
February 12, 2025
Social Media Network and the different channels have caught on the fancy of young and adults alike and this phenomenon has spread all over the globe. Every minute there are thousands of people logging into the internet and engaging in conversation using one or the other channels of online communication. Similarly there are millions of […]
The Challenges Confronting the HR Professionals in these Charged Times World over, the emergence of nationalist and populist movements has meant that women and racial minorities as well as immigrants are under unprecedented threat. Indeed, with the charge against immigrants and women coming right from the top in the United States, with President Trump leading […]
Start-up businesses are affected by a wide variety of factors. Macroeconomic factors such as business cycles affect start-up organizations as much as they affect any other businesses. In fact, since start-ups are in a nascent stage, they face a bigger impact from these business cycles. Start-ups that face recession or slowdown early after their inception […]
A healthy employee relationship is essential for the employees to find their work interesting and perform their level best. It is important for everyone to understand that one goes to his organization to work and conflicts must be avoided as it is nothing but a mere waste of time. Employees must be comfortable with each […]
The relations between India and Pakistan have never really been cordial. Ever, since the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was carved out of British India, the two countries have been at loggerheads. The countries have fought four wars until now, and the disputed territory of Kashmir has been at the centre of three of those wars. […]
It is not uncommon for us to hear statements from people like they are never understood by others; they are perceived as having a certain kind of personality which actually is not their true self etc. And surely enough, many of us might have used those statements ourselves too.
The workplace is no different where similar sentiments might be echoed by a large segment of employees. It might be under or over estimating their strengths and competencies or their negative areas. Now, how does one understand and asses strength and development areas appropriately about their own self or of the employees in case of a workplace?
Joseph Lutt and Harri Ingham developed a model in 1955 in the United States to address this issue which is known as Johari window. One can clearly see that the name of the technique is derived using the first two letters of the names of both the psychologists.
It has a simple process where the participant of the exercise is given a list of 56 adjectives and he/she is asked to choose 5-6 of them which best describes their personality. On the other hand, peers of the participant are given the same list and each of them are asked to choose 5-6 adjectives which best describe the participant, all these are then mapped into a grid. Let us have a look at what does the standard model looks like:
The colors of the quadrant are irrelevant, just used to differentiate however the fact to note is the description of the quadrants. The following combination and simple examples would help you understand it better:
Information can certainly be passed from one quadrant to another and more the information is shared the larger becomes the 1st quadrant which is free/open area. The necessary condition for sharing of information becomes trust, mutual respect and concern.
Johari window has several usages in the organizational setting. Knowing the open/free area of every team member increases mutual cooperation. The feedback provided to someone brings information which is in the 2nd quadrant or blind area to open area which helps in improvement and learning.
Talking about the 3rd quadrant or the hidden area, there may be certain personal aspirations and motivations or priorities of a team member which the team or the leader are unaware of, such a situation causes inadequate contribution or misdirected efforts of that member. Encouraging sharing and learning about others is a way to bring the information into the open/free area.
The last quadrant or the unknown area is an area of opportunities or latent talent or potential. An employee may have certain capability within himself which might not have been explored by the employee or the organization due to lack of suitable opportunity, confidence or training.
For example the production manager of the plant may be very good at handling the trade union representatives but neither he nor the organization knew it until he was forced to join a trade union meeting to explain certain production related aspects.
Johari window is an effective technique which when used appropriately provides valuable information regarding one’s own self and others, which is an important characteristic which every leader needs to possess to succeed.
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