What is Lobbying, How it Works, and What are its Advantages and Disadvantages?
February 12, 2025
It is essential for a manager to know his/her team members well to understand their strengths, key responsibility areas, weaknesses, capabilities and where all they need his guidance and hand-holding. Calling employees by their first names not only motivates them to strive hard to deliver their level best but also leads to happy and satisfied […]
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Impact of the Recession on Rewards Management The previous articles in this module had discussed the various facets of rewards management and the factors that determine monetary and nonmonetary rewards. This article discusses the impact of the ongoing economic crisis on the quantum of rewards both monetary and nonmonetary that are being actualized across the […]
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Why Worried Governments and Business Leaders are Regulating after Hours Availability In our 24/7 breakneck speed and hyper-connected world, employees are expected to put in many hours and also be responsive to calls and emails as well as other forms of communication even after working hours. Indeed, ask any professional in any field and invariably, […]
Healthy relationship among employees leads to a positive ambience at the workplace. You feel like going to work every day if you have friends in the office. A single brain sometimes cannot do wonders where as many brains put together can reach to innovative ideas and solutions which eventually benefit not only the organization but also individuals associated with the same.
Building healthy relationship with people around is no rocket science and just needs few simple tips:
Let us go through them in detail:
Positive Attitude is the key to a successful and healthy relationship. Never look at the negative side of an individual. Trust me, it would not yield anything. As a professional, learn to ignore things and do not take things too seriously. An individual must not enter work with his personal problems. Learn to keep your personal and professional problems separate. You just can’t afford to argue with your team members just because you broke off with your girlfriend or boyfriend the previous night. Your colleagues have nothing to do with your personal life.
Learn to appreciate people. If someone has performed well, do not forget to give a pat on his/her back and appreciate him/her in public. Jealousy is one of the negative traits which would not only spoil your relationship with people around but also put a big question mark on your survival in the organization. It is always better to change ourselves rather than expecting the other person to change for us.
Learn to trust others. Office people are not necessarily always your enemies. Good people are everywhere, one just needs to find them. Believe me; an individual cannot work in isolation. He needs people around to talk to and discuss various issues or problems. It is absolutely normal to discuss your problems with your team members; just you need to know where you should draw the line. Be trustworthy. If someone has confided in you, do not discuss with others. It is absolutely unethical to break anyone’s trust.
Helping others goes a long way in building healthy relationship among employees. What is the harm in sharing knowledge? Remember, no one in this whole world can steal your knowledge. It would stay with you forever. Help others in their day to day work.
Respect your fellow workers. Do not underestimate anyone. At the workplace, every individual is same and working for a common objective i.e. - generate revenues for the organization. Do not misbehave with anyone at the workplace, be it your team members or superiors. Fighting and arguing not only spoil your relationship with others but also speak a lot about your upbringing and family background.
Effective communication is one of the major factors contributing to a healthy relationship among people. Ensure transparency and fairness at all levels. Crucial decisions must be taken in the presence of all. Communicate effectively with your colleagues. Talk to people around you. No one would like a Boss who merely sits in his cabin and passes on instructions over the phone. As a team manager, you need to sit with your team, address their grievances, discuss and suggest them best possible solutions.
There are all types of people around. If you do not agree to someone, it is always better to ignore the other person rather than fighting.
Backstabbing and criticism spoil relationship among people. If you have a problem with someone, it is always better to discuss with him/her face to face rather than cribbing, complaining and discussing with the whole world. Bosses should know how to take their team along. Each and every employee must have a say in company’s major decisions.
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