Role of Managerial Communication at Workplace
February 12, 2025
What is Strategic Change? In response to the fast changing and fluid marketplace and industry landscapes, many management thinkers came with theories of strategic change. The first among them was the legendary Peter Drucker who coined the term Age of Discontinuity to describe the way in which disruptive change affects us. In Drucker’s model, the […]
In this interconnected and integrated business landscape, aspiring leaders would be well advise to follow the simple rule that their organization is as strong as the weakest link and hence, they must ensure that all parts of the complex supply chain that make up their organization are equally strong. We can explain this by use […]
Different Political Systems around the World There are many different types of political systems around the world. Whereas the political system in the United States follows a mixture of direct and indirect election, the UK with its Westminster style of democracy is another type of political system. Most of the former colonial countries follow the […]
Kurt Lewin’s Three Stages model or the Planned Approach to Organizational is one of the cornerstone models which is relevant in the present scenario even. Lewin, a social scientist and a physicist, during early 1950s propounded a simple framework for understanding the process of organizational change known as the Three-Stage Theory which he referred as […]
Multinational organizations have become extremely powerful entities in the 21st century. There are many companies which have business interests that are spread across hundreds of countries. Given the global nature of such companies, it is only rational for some of these companies to want a global insurance provider. These companies want to standardize the insurance […]
An individual needs to possess certain skills for effective managerial communication.
Let us go through various skills required for effective managerial communication:
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