Country of Origin Effects on Marketing
February 12, 2025
Most Business Organisations both big and small have realised the necessity of having a presence on the internet. Many Organisations limit themselves to setting up a Company website and provide contact information. Those who realise the potential of being able to tap the customers online go one step forward and provide online services. Whether the […]
We are all familiar with the online buying on the internet. In fact with most people in developed countries, ordering groceries, online shopping as well as payment of utility bills and online banking has become a part of life. Internet we can say is a virtual global market. There are several types of businesses that […]
The previous articles in this module discussed how product management differs from brand management and the way in which product management is carried out in IT companies. This article looks at the specific case of product management in Indian IT companies by referring to some well-known companies and their practices. The Indian IT sector is […]
Advertising is the best way to communicate to the customers. Advertising helps informs the customers about the brands available in the market and the variety of products useful to them. Advertising is for everybody including kids, young and old. It is done using various media types, with different techniques and methods most suited. Let us […]
In today’s world if internet and communication boundary has erased geographical boundaries, international retailing has brought the world market to the local store near you. Any international brand of fashion or product that you desire can be easily found in the city in your country. The rapid urbanisation, globalisation coupled with economic freedom enjoyed by […]
Companies need to develop strategies to improve brand image and brand awareness. The important aspect of spreading brand awareness and brand image is through communication. Companies need to establish a communication channel to win the new customers and retain existing customer. This communication is not restricted just to customer but also stakeholders in the value network. Communication is achieved through advertisement, sales promotion, public relation exercise, direct marketing and interactive marketing.
Communication process should not be one way traffic. Companies should look forward to developing communication network in which companies can reach customer but customer also can effectively communicate with companies. Technology has opened up many avenues to carry out effective communication. Companies have traditional tools like newspaper, television, radio, telephone, billboards and modern tools like the internet, emails and wireless devices. Technology has made the communication process not only faster but also reduced over all communication cost.
There are nine elements, which make the communication process. The two parties are sender-company and receiver-customer. The communication tools are message and media used to communicate the process. The four major communication functions are encoding, decoding, response and feedback. The last element is the noise which is anytime of interference disrupting clarity of the message.
Senders must encode the message as per the target audience and use the right media. The receiver decodes the message, responds to the message and sends feedback to the company. Experience senders are able to garner a more effective response from the right message.
However the message may not have required effect if:-
Companies have to put effort in developing an effective communication program. The development of the communication program can be charted into eight steps.
Marketing communication cannot be considered in isolation. It is an integral part of any companies overall growth process.
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