Crisis Communication – Meaning, Need and its Process
February 12, 2025
Interpersonal relationship refers to individuals with similar tastes and mindsets entering into an association. Individuals who share identical goals and interests enter into an interpersonal relationship. It is essential for individuals in a relationship to get along well. Let us go through various factors affecting interpersonal relationship: Compatibility Two individuals in a relationship must be […]
What is Crisis ? A sudden and unexpected event leading to major unrest amongst the individuals at the workplace is called as organization crisis. In other words, crisis is defined as any emergency situation which disturbs the employees as well as leads to instability in the organization. Crisis affects an individual, group, organization or society […]
We are at the next level of understanding departments within the organizations. In the earlier article we understood about the line staff and auxiliary agencies and the organization of business in departments based on the four principles of finance, process, clientele and geography. This article shall look at the distribution of authority within the department. […]
Politics is inevitable wherever there are groups of people and wherever there are blocs of people competing for the same set of scarce resources. In this context, it is indeed the case that organizations have their own share of office politics due to the prevalence of power centres and interest groups each with competing and […]
We have introduced the concept of Transleader in the previous articles. We discussed how a leader who is integral to the organization and vice versa could prove to be an effective leader. Taking the discussion forward, this article reviews the three traits that make for effective leadership and separates leaders from followers. The three traits […]
Crisis refers to a sequence of unwanted events leading to major disturbances at the workplace.
It triggers a feeling of insecurity and fear amongst the employees.
Crisis causes major harm to the organization and poses a threat to its reputation and brand image.
Let us go through various ways of managing stress during crisis:
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