Classical Theories of Motivation
February 12, 2025
Global Crises Need Global Solutions Global crises require global solutions, so goes the new motto of policymakers around the world. As the world confronts economic crises that are systemic, climate change that cannot be solved by individual nations acting independently and security and other risks that need global responses, it is time to ask the […]
Crisis refers to sequence of unwanted events at the workplace which lead to disturbances and major unrest amongst the individuals. Crisis generally arises on a short notice and triggers a feeling of threat and fear in the employees. In simpler words crisis leads to uncertainty and causes major harm to the organization and its employees. […]
In order to manage any type of risk, it becomes important to measure it. Now, credit risks manifest in different forms within an organization and within its environment. It is for this reason, it is important to know that there is no direct way to measure credit risk. Instead, any organization has to look at […]
The purpose of credit derivatives is to make sure that the interests of the buyers of protection are secured if any adverse credit event takes place. Now, since contracts worth billions of dollars are dependent upon adverse credit events, it is essential to clearly define what a credit event is. In general, a credit event […]
A strong association between individuals sharing similar interest and goal is called as interpersonal relationship. It is important to have trustworthy colleagues around at the workplace. One needs to know how to interact with fellow workers. Let us go through some interpersonal skills an individual needs to inculcate for a healthy relationship with coworkers. Stay […]
David McClelland and his associates proposed McClelland’s theory of Needs/Achievement Motivation Theory.
This theory states that human behaviour is affected by three needs:
Need for power is the desire to influence other individual’s behaviour as per your wish. In other words, it is the desire to have control over others and to be influential.
Need for achievement is the urge to excel, to accomplish in relation to a set of standards, to struggle to achieve success.
Need for affiliation is a need for open and sociable interpersonal relationships. In other words, it is a desire for relationship based on co-operation and mutual understanding.
Such individuals try to get satisfaction in performing things better. High achievement is directly related to high performance.
Individuals who are better and above average performers are highly motivated. They assume responsibility for solving the problems at work. McClelland called such individuals as gamblers as they set challenging targets for themselves and they take deliberate risk to achieve those set targets.
Such individuals look for innovative ways of performing job. They perceive achievement of goals as a reward, and value it more than a financial reward.
Such individuals are motivated by the need for reputation and self-esteem.
Individuals with greater power and authority will perform better than those possessing less power.
Generally, managers with high need for power turn out to be more efficient and successful managers. They are more determined and loyal to the organization they work for.
Need for power should not always be taken negatively. It can be viewed as the need to have a positive effect on the organization and to support the organization in achieving it’s goals.
The manager’s ability to make decisions is hampered if they have a high affiliation need as they prefer to be accepted and liked by others, and this weakens their objectivity.
Individuals having high affiliation needs prefer working in an environment providing greater personal interaction.
Such people have a need to be on the good books of all. They generally cannot be good leaders.
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