Benefits of Participative Management
February 12, 2025
Entrepreneurship has become fashionable. A lot of people want to become entrepreneurs and are in need of ideas and resources which they can use to create the business of their dreams. This tendency has been exploited by many firms in the past century. A new type of scam called the “pyramid schemes” has come into […]
The greatest and widely accepted benefit of participation is the increased work ownership of employee. An employee is better able to relate himself/herself with his or her work and this improves performance and efficiency at work. John Newstrom and Keith Davis worked extensively upon the subject. They identified three variables that lead to increased performance. […]
Grievance may be any genuine or imaginary feeling of dissatisfaction or injustice which an employee experiences about his job and it’s nature, about the management policies and procedures. It must be expressed by the employee and brought to the notice of the management and the organization. Grievances take the form of collective disputes when they […]
Innovation according to Peter Drucker Innovation is the buzzword among many companies operating internationally as well as in the domestic economy. Increasingly, the ability of an organization to innovate is being seen as a source of competitive advantage. The well known management expert, Peter Drucker throws light on the “sources of innovation” as well as […]
The Symbiotic Relationship between Financiers and Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs need funding and venture capitalists and financiers need emerging businesses with great potential for investments. Therefore, there is a symbiotic relationship with entrepreneurs and the financiers wherein each need the other for mutual gain. While the entrepreneurs would use the capital invested by the financiers to grow […]
Participative management acts as a force to motivate employees to meet specific organizational goals. The main idea behind this style of management is not only using physical capital but also making optimum utilization of intellectual and emotional human capital. This is the process of involving people in decision making process to ensure that everyone’s psychological needs are met. It, in turn, increases the job satisfaction among employees and improves the quality of their work life. Motivated employees are the biggest assets of an organization and participative management is an effective strategy to retain the best talents of the industry.
Participatory Management or co-determination is seen as the quick cure for poor morale, employee attrition, low productivity and job dissatisfaction. However, it may not be appropriate to empower employees at every level but use of joint decision making at certain levels in organization can work wonders. Let us read further to explore the main objectives to introduce participative style of management in organizations:
Participative management is beneficial to organization as well as employees. It gives employees a higher degree of enjoyment at work place that drives them to work harder. It is equally rewarding for the management as it ensures tremendous improvement in work culture within the organization as well as increase in its productivity.
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