ERP Service Module – Call Handling and Service Orders Control
February 12, 2025
The economic power that many multinational companies wield is commendable, to say the least. Companies like Amazon and Apple have a valuation of over a trillion dollars. This is more than the GDP of most countries! Hence, in purely financial terms, multinational companies do wield tremendous influence on the day to day operations of many […]
What is Hypothesis Testing ? Hypothesis testing is one of the statistical method used to confirm the effect that critical few inputs have on the outputs. Hypothesis testing must be used when the inputs are measured discretely. The outputs may be discrete or continuous. However the inputs must be discrete, if the inputs are continuous […]
Introduction: What is IT governance and why it is important? It is not enough for corporations to have IT systems and expect them to deliver strategic value to them. Instead, there needs to be a mechanism in place to regulate, monitor, and govern the value creation efforts of the IT systems. This governance mechanism of […]
Embracing Business Process Improvement program is the ideal way for Organizations to make that leap to the next level and build competitive edge. Implementing a BPI program gives the Organization several direct and indirect benefits and advantages. It helps the Organization get rid of the redundancies, reduce dependence upon people and eliminate wastage as well […]
Introduction It is often observed that term information system and information technology are used interchangeably. In a literal sense, information technology is a subset of information systems. Information systems consist of people, processes, machines and information technology. The great advancement in information systems is due to development in information technology and introduction of computers. Information […]
Order based Planning: Order-based planning is the functionality that plans planned orders to cover components and end items. This functionality largely corresponds to Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) and uses BOMs (Bill of Materials) to explode material requirements and the routings to calculate lead-time of planned production orders.
A combined overview of order based planning and master based planning
If order horizon is set to zero, the system plans supply through master based planning only. If order horizon is equal to planning horizon, the system plans all supply through order based planning
Order Promising - ATP & CTP: Demand forecasts are gradually consumed by actual customer orders. The calculated item quantity that is available (to sell or consume) on a certain future date, based on the current supply planning is known as Available to promise (ATP). ATP is an indicator of inventory availability that is specifically geared to the process of order acceptance. ATP may be for one period or may be cumulative over a number of periods. When it comes to accepting customer orders, a plan period’s cumulative ATP is a clear indicator of the order quantity that can still be promised to deliver in that plan period.
The functionality behind the notion of cumulative ATP is further enhanced by Enterprise Planning’s extended capable-to-promise (CTP) checking techniques. These techniques not only consider what can be promised on the basis of the planned supply, but also explore the possibility of producing more than what the current supply planning indicates. There are various dimensions of checking CTP such as:
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