ERP Service Module – Call Handling and Service Orders Control
February 12, 2025
The fall of Wal-Mart Wal-Mart has been a global retailing behemoth. The rise of Wal-Mart is an amazing story, but it seems like the fall will be equally spectacular. Just a few decades, after Sam Walton from Bentonville Arkansas, started building the world’s largest retail empire. The same empire is today facing an existential crisis. […]
The Pugh Matrix is one of the most widely used methods of finding out the best solution once a number of alternate solutions have been generated. The success of the Pugh Matrix is in its simplicity. The tool is not very mathematically intensive and fairly simple to use. However, it has a record of coming […]
When analyzed in financial terms, it turns out that the world is in a precarious position. However, there seems to be no sense of urgency amongst the people. This may be because of the fact that newspapers, as well as other forms of media, are not warning the people that a recession might be around […]
Globalization is a phenomenon that can mean many things to many people. For the workers and the executives in the manufacturing units of China, it can mean new opportunities and the chance to earn a decent living. For the software engineers in India, it can mean an upward mobility towards greater economic and social status. […]
Decision support systems are now widely used in organizations and military across the world, helping decision makers apply analytical, statistical and scientific techniques to decision making. In recent years, there popularity has significantly increased because of their ability to execute, interpret, analyze and suggest. Decision support systems can be used in the areas of economic […]
Order based Planning: Order-based planning is the functionality that plans planned orders to cover components and end items. This functionality largely corresponds to Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) and uses BOMs (Bill of Materials) to explode material requirements and the routings to calculate lead-time of planned production orders.
A combined overview of order based planning and master based planning
If order horizon is set to zero, the system plans supply through master based planning only. If order horizon is equal to planning horizon, the system plans all supply through order based planning
Order Promising - ATP & CTP: Demand forecasts are gradually consumed by actual customer orders. The calculated item quantity that is available (to sell or consume) on a certain future date, based on the current supply planning is known as Available to promise (ATP). ATP is an indicator of inventory availability that is specifically geared to the process of order acceptance. ATP may be for one period or may be cumulative over a number of periods. When it comes to accepting customer orders, a plan period’s cumulative ATP is a clear indicator of the order quantity that can still be promised to deliver in that plan period.
The functionality behind the notion of cumulative ATP is further enhanced by Enterprise Planning’s extended capable-to-promise (CTP) checking techniques. These techniques not only consider what can be promised on the basis of the planned supply, but also explore the possibility of producing more than what the current supply planning indicates. There are various dimensions of checking CTP such as:
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