Creating Sustainable Change – How to create and sustain change?
February 12, 2025
The modern approaches to risk management are data-driven. There are four basic steps to this approach which we will study later in this module. The first step contains information about how data related to internal losses suffered by an organization needs to be collected and studied in order to better mitigate risks in the future. […]
Public Speaking is defined as the process of communicating with a large group of audience. Let us understand the meaning of public speaking with the help of a very simple example: Tim was the managing director of XYZ industries. Tim wanted to circulate the company policies to all his employees and everyone directly or indirectly […]
Personality development helps in the overall development of an individual. An individual’s style of dressing plays an important role in enhancing his/her personality. It is rightly said that “a man is known by his dress and address”. An individual’s dressing sense speaks volumes of his character and personality. You really need to know what you […]
Time Management plays an essential role in corporates and helps employees to finish off assignments on time. Doing the right thing at the right time is called Time Management. It is essential for an individual to value time as time once lost never comes back, no matter how much money you spend. An individual who […]
The Emotionally Intelligent Manager The emotionally intelligent manager is one who has an inner rudder, defers gratification, and is empathic towards his or her coworkers. An emotionally intelligent manager creates a working environment that is as much driven by performance as it is by greater cooperation and greater sensitiveness towards each other. In other words, […]
Organizational vision & mission, provide a sense of purpose or establish the the reason of existence of an organization.
According to Sullivan & Harper 1996, a well-defined organizational vision establishes both long term and short term goals, empower and motivate leaders as well as followers in implementing change and strengthening their adaptive mechanisms for staying ahead in the competitive race.
In the opinion of Goodfellow 1985, change is a universal phenomenon and pervasive in organizations. The need for change management arises from the environmental forces which can be both internal and external in nature.
Vision should be realistic and realizable most importantly with the integrated efforts and support from across all the levels of the management as well as the entire team.
Visioning is one of the key functions of Transformational Leaders and essentially involves 4 key processes: Creation of Vision, Communicating the Vision, Committing People for working towards the realization of vision through effective and dynamic leadership and lastly involves concretization of vision by taking risks, planning and implementing detailed action plans for translating the vision into a reality.
According to Parsons 1960, should pay attention to 4 key factors for surviving in the competitive environment;
For achieving a competitive advantage, leaders should proactively respond to the changes in the strategic environment, create opportunities for both internal (employees) as well as external customers and build a culture of achievement focused on vision and mission of the organization.
For surviving in an uncertain, highly volatile and competitive environment, change becomes inevitable and an indispensable need for the organizations. Powerful environmental forces are continuously forcing both private and public organizations to make alterations in the permanently existing policies, practices and organizational structures (Bolman & Deal, 1991).
One such example of the environmental force is Globalization, which has increased the level of competition and demand for talent pool, created a need for diversity management and implementation of standardized practices across the subsidiaries as set up by the central headquarters.
Another example of environmental pressure is Information Technology. IT has increasingly revolutionized the organizational style of functioning, facilitated a transition from the centralized functioning to a more decentralized style of functioning.
The other forces are demographic changes, economic deregulation, etc. The environmental forces can be classified into external and internal environmental factors.
An assessment of external environmental factors must include an assessment of the competitive trends, changes in customer’s preferences or their habits, market/industry analysis, environmental analysis, socio-political analysis, an analysis of the government policies and technological advancements.
For gaining a competitive advantage and being a leader in the industry, organizational strategies should be so developed that it offers ample scope for taking advantage out of the external opportunities and avoid or minimizing the negative outcomes of external threats.
External factors are not within the control of an organizations, they can only adapt with changing circumstances through strategic interventions.
For example, recent developments in the field of communication technology, have created newer opportunities for the workforce, changes in the way of working through virtual conferencing, telecommuting and traditional hierarchical organizational structures are being substituted with more flat structures.
Internal environmental factors involve an assessment of the internal strengths and weaknesses of an organization which might include an assessment of the organization’s market strength, core competencies, financial and people related strength, leadership capabilities, etc. Through SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis, an organization can assess its competitiveness and this would influence the strategic practices of an organization.
Strategic Change aims at establishing robust systems and processes for facing the competitive challenges and growing environmental pressures. Robustness involves proactive anticipation of the environmental changes and adapting to it for being competitive in the battle for leadership.
For establishing a strong and robust framework, firstly it requires a comprehensive assessment of the environmental forces, effective and accurate articulation of values/beliefs, questioning one’s own values/beliefs, identifying newer alternatives and practising it for achieving enabling outcomes.
Secondly, for setting up robust system, apart from definition of strategies, self sufficiency of resources should also exist as the implementation of change involves heavy capital investment.
Thirdly, it requires maintaining contact and establishing credibility and commitment.
Fopp proposed 4 different approaches for organizational change management (Zarebska 2002).
According to Malara (1998), he identified 3 approaches to change management:
To sum it up, Implementation of change in an organization largely depends on the organizational vision, mission, values and strategies. Implementation of strategies in an organization depend on change in both the static (organizational structure) and dynamic (processes).
It should be an integrated and an interdependent approach for achieving the pre-defined goals or objectives of the organization involving a collaborative effort from the teams as well as the management and the stakeholders.
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