Benefits of Participative Management
February 12, 2025
Communication plays an essential role in increasing efficiency of employees. Employees need to interact with each other more often to break the ice and feel comfortable at the workplace. Problems arise when information does not flow in its desired form. Effective communication facilitates free flow of information among employees and reduces misunderstandings and confusions. Effective […]
Introduction For most management graduates and students in business schools, working for the world famous Big Five management consultancies such as McKinsey, Booze Allen, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Price Waterhouse (PWC), and Anderson consulting is a dream come true. Indeed, the fact that these consultancies are often given the Day Zero or the opening slots […]
Training methods pertain to the types of training that can be provided to employees to sharpen their existing skills and learn new skills. The skills that they learn can be technical or soft skills and for all categories of skills, some training methods are suggested here. The training methods can range from onsite classroom based […]
Every individual aspires to grow professionally and reach the pinnacle of success within the shortest possible time frame. No one wants to work at a junior or mid level position throughout his/her life. Now a days, when the competition is so fierce, people who are multiskilled have better chances of not only getting selected in […]
For many employees working in the organized sector, the term appraisal process conjures images of hope and fear simultaneously. Hope for a better grade and fear about potential downgrading or a bad rating. The weeks leading up to the appraisal are filled with hectic activity when the employees get down to evaluating themselves and prepare […]
Participative management in itself does not ensure success and should not be seen as tool to create magic within no time. There is certain ground preparation required before an organization can decide for implementation of the management style.
The following things need to be taken care of:
Participative management may be a solution for each and every type of organization. It is a big challenge in big organizations with big employee size. The implementation needs to be carefully planned and implemented gradually.
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