Communication Skills and Personality Development
February 12, 2025
Etiquette helps individuals behave in a socially responsible way. In simpler words, etiquette transforms a man into a gentle man. Remember employees need to behave sensibly and appropriately to make their position secure at the workplace. No organization likes to have someone who lacks etiquette. Respect the place where you earn a living for yourself. […]
Leaders, Managers, and Crisis Leaders Often, there is some confusion about what managers do and what leaders do. While the former and the latter perform similarly, the essential difference between them is the vision, the charisma, and the ability to persuade and convince their followers to “walk on water” if need be are the key […]
The fourth and last step for risk management suggested by the Bank of International Settlements in its Basel Norms is the continuous monitoring of key risk indicators. Key risk indicators are important metrics that can track the business environment and internal control factors. They can help an organization keep track of a rapidly changing internal […]
The instructional approach to the study of public administration concerns itself with the institutions and organizations of the State. The core area of this method lies in detailed study of the structure, the functioning, rules, and regulations of the executives, legislatures and the departments of the Government. The scholars who practice this approach consider administration […]
The fundamental principle of operational risk management is to ensure that all operational risks have been considered and decisions have been taken about the best way to mitigate them. This is because experience has shown organizations that the worst outcomes come from risks that they have knowingly or unknowingly ignored. It is therefore important to […]
An individual’s behavior towards others, attitude, characteristics, mindset make his personality.
Personality development is defined as a process of enhancing one’s personality. Personality development sessions guide an individual as to how he/she can develop his/her personality.
Broadly there are five parameters which describe an individual’s personality. These five dimensions are also called as “Big Five” Factors, and the model is referred to as Five Factor Model also abbreviated as FFM.
The Five Factor Model was initially proposed by Costa & McCrae in the year 1992 and often describes the relation between an individual’s personality and various behaviours.
Following are five personality traits of an individual:
Individuals with openness to experience are generally very active, have a tremendous inclination towards creativity and aesthetics and listen to their heart i.e. follow their inner feelings. Such individuals are generally open to new learnings, skill sets and experiences.
People who score high on openness are quite broadminded and modern in their outlook as compared to individuals who score low on the same parameter. Such individuals are conservative, reluctant to changes and have a traditional approach in life.
As the name suggests, individuals with a Conscientiousness personality trait listen to their conscience and act accordingly. Such individuals are extremely cautious and self disciplined. They never perform any task in haste but think twice before acting.
People with this personality trait are generally methodical and tend to become perfectionists in the long run.
People who score high on conscientiousness are proactive, goal oriented and self disciplined. They strive hard to accomplish goals and objectives within the stipulated time frame. Individuals who score less are little laid back and are not much goal oriented.
Carl Jung popularized both the terms - “Extraversion” and “Introversion”.
Such individuals love interacting with people around and are generally talkative. They do not like spending time alone but love being the centre of attraction of parties and social gatherings.
Such individuals love going out, partying, meeting people and often get bored when they are all by themselves. They admire the company of others and hate staying alone.
Such individuals do not bother about others and are seldom interested in what is happening around. They prefer staying back at home rather than going out and spending time with friends.
Such individuals speak less and enjoy their own company. You would never find them in meetings, clubs, parties or social get-togethers. They generally do not have many friends and tend to rely on few trusted ones.
Agreeableness is a personality trait which teaches individuals to be adjusting in almost all situations.
Such individuals do not crib and face changes with a smile. They accommodate themselves to all situations and are friendly and kind hearted. People who score high on agreeableness are ready to help others and flash their trillion dollar smile whenever a problem arises.
Individuals who score low on agreeableness on the other hand find difficulties in adjusting with others and are little unfriendly.
Neuroticism is a trait where individuals are prone to negative thoughts such as anxiety, anger, envy, guilt and so on.
Such individuals are often in a state of depression and do not know how to enjoy life. They always look at the negative sides of life and find extremely difficult to cope up with stress.
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