Step 1: Collect and Review Primary Information
February 12, 2025
Profitable Tourism and the Implications for Corporates and Societies It is a known fact that Tourism is a money spinner for any country that has abundant tourist destinations. The market for worldwide tourism runs into the Billions of Dollars and all nations are eager to grab as much market share as possible. Further, Tourism is […]
Types of Variables In the equation – Y = f(X), Y is the dependent variable and it is dependent on the variable X. In other words, when there is a change in value of X then value of Y will automatically change. The following are the characteristics of both types of variables: Y X Dependent […]
How the Growth at all Costs Mantra is Harming Us Ever since the time of the Enlightenment in the Nineteenth Century, the world has been chasing growth and more growth in all aspects of economic and social as well as political spheres. While it is natural for nations and firms following the capitalist model of […]
The United States Democratic Party has been praising the economic arrangement in Nordic nations for a very long time. Right from Bill Clinton to President Obama, they were all fans of the so-called Nordic socialism and wanted to introduce the model in America as well. The Democratic primaries were riddled with both Hillary Clinton as […]
From Oxcart to Wal-Mart As more and more international retailers make a beeline for emerging markets like India, China, Nigeria, Mexico, and other markets, it is important for these retailers to embrace the chaos and duality that is inherent to these markets. For instance, in India, more than 95% of the retail market is dominated […]
In order to truly control a process, one must understand the inputs as well as outputs of the process. These inputs and outputs are displayed through numbers which are called “metrics”. The primary metric is a way to say with numbers how well your process is performing. Here are a few pointers that will help understand the concept of primary metrics in detail.
Any process can be defined as Y = f(x) where X’s are the critical inputs. The output here is Y. The primary metric of a process is the Y of that process, meaning an output of the process under consideration. The state of the output needs to be consistently measured, errors must be spotted and correction must be immediately made. It is therefore of vital importance for a Six Sigma project to identify the correct primary metrics. This ensures that the project is in control. Choosing the wrong primary metrics will create a situation wherein the wrong thing is being measured. This focuses the organization in the wrong area creating colossal losses in the long run.
The primary metric does not appear in this stage. It has been present in the project since the first step. The primary metrics have their roots in the critical to quality measures defined by the customer. The get recorded in the problem statement, goal statement and business case. Then they are formally chosen as the primary metric if the project is being correctly executed.
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