What is Customer Satisfaction ?
February 12, 2025
What is Big Data? If marketers had all the data about consumers that they can then use to predict consumer behavior, which would be the marketers dream come true. Until now, marketers had enough data about consumers that they then modeled to arrive at probable consumer behavior decisions. This data culled from marketing research was […]
E-commerce has taken many companies across the world by storm. Giants like Alibaba.com and Amazon have been created in the past few years thanks to the sudden boom in the e-commerce industry. Alibaba and Amazon are both similar in the sense that they are websites where people buy and sell products, i.e. e-commerce portals. However, […]
At core of building brand equity is marketing programs or strategies. Marketing activities can facilitate in increasing brand awareness as well as in creating the right brand image. Marketing activities can be weaved around product, pricing and distribution channel. But the way these marketing activities are carried out has gone under revolutionary change owing to […]
Resources The activities and processes of the organization utilize certain assets. These assets are called resources. These resources can be created within the organization. They form the internal resources. Such generated resources are organization-specific. Otherwise they could be obtained externally from the suppliers available in the resource markets. They form the external resources. The externally […]
What is a Signage? Any visual representation which gives information to the customers about a store, any office, building, street, park and so on is called a signage. Signage helps the customers to easily reach their desired destination or locate a building by simply following the instructions displayed on it. Role of Signage in Retail […]
Regression scoring is one of the difficult but more precise and faithful marketing technique as compared to profiling and modeling. For targeting new and esteemed customers all the organization substantially pursue regression scoring techniques. Following is the process involved in regression scoring:
Following are the general types of regression scoring which are implemented according to specific need by the organization:
Regression scoring has many advantages over other marketing methods. The primary advantage is that it measures the usefulness of variables that helps in determining which prospect to target and when. Secondly it provides a sophisticated and scientific process to determine the cutoff values or scores for a particular marketing campaign. The outcome of regression scoring helps in enhancing marketing efficiency. The primary and the only disadvantage of regression scoring is that the whole process is very complex and costlier as compared to profiling which is easy to perform.
Even if regression scoring is considered as complex and costly process but it is hardly recommended for an organization to implement regression scoring as it usually targets high marketing efficacy and effectiveness. In acquiring new customers regression scoring is the most capable and important marketing process that yields great results, hence organization should usually compromise on complexity and cost.
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