Conflict at Workplace – Why Conflict Should be Avoided ?
February 12, 2025
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The dissimilarity in the ideas and opinions of individuals result in a conflict. One needs to adjust with each other to some extent to avoid conflicts and better relations. Conflicts and fights must be prevented to avoid its adverse consequences like stress, anxiety and unnecessary tensions.
Communication has a big role to play in conflict management. It has been observed that poor communication always results in misunderstandings and eventually conflicts. Our communication has to be clear and precise to avoid conflicts. First yourself be very clear what you intend to convey to the other individual.
The thoughts must be carefully put into sensible and relevant words for the others to understand well. Never use words which might hurt the sentiments of others and avoid using derogatory sentences. Don’t use too complicated terminologies as the other person might not understand it well.
Be very clear and straightforward what you expect from the other person. Don’t always expect the other person to understand everything on his own. Haphazard thoughts only add on to confusions and result in displeasure and disagreements. If you want to meet your team member at 9 in the morning at the conference hall, please remember to mention the correct timings along with the venue as well as the agenda so that the participants come thoroughly prepared. Don’t just communicate for the sake of it.
Don’t merely depend on verbal communication, instead prefer communication through email keeping each and every member in the loop. Never ignore anyone just because you do not like him. It is generally observed that conflict among individuals arises when they feel neglected or left out. Transparency is essential at all levels for better understanding and avoiding conflicts.
Communication must not be done with members separately but must be on a common platform so that every one gets the same picture. Master the art of writing emails. Select the correct font, style and be careful about the content such that the mail is self explanatory.
Disagreements can arise anytime so make sure that the superiors are always available to the subordinates. At workplaces, the hierarchy must not be too complicated as it only adds to the confusions. People do not understand whom to contact and start fighting among themselves only. At workplaces, employees must be demotivated to interfere in each other’s works and criticize others.
Never be loud and always be very careful about your pitch and tone. Be polite and convincing. Make your point very clear but do not shout on others as he might feel bad and it might go against you. Presentations, seminars, speeches must be delivered at a noise free zone so that the information hits the eardrums of the recipients instantly and creates the desired impact.
Question answer round must be kept at the end in the presentations and people must not jump in between with their questions. It seriously offends the speaker and might result in a fight. Be a little patient and wait for your turn to speak. Be a good listener.
An individual must not assume things on his own and overreact on petty issues. Every individual has the right to express his views and one must first listen to what the other person has to say.
When two individuals are interacting with each other, try not to speak in between unless and until required. Always meet the other person with a warm smile. Avoid being rude and harsh. Don’t just start shouting even if you do not agree to the other person, sit with him face to face and make him understand his mistakes.
Once you are through with your communication, do cross check with the other person whether he has received the correct message or not. Wrong messages lead to confusions and people lose their trust on each other. Make sure you are very clear and transparent with your communication. Think twice before you speak and never offend others.
Always learn to keep a control on your emotions and make sure your communication is impressive and relevant for effective conflict management.
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