The PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) Technique for Quality Improvement
February 12, 2025
Definition of Six Sigma Six Sigma is not a mere methodology or a quality tool. It is a philosophy i.e. a systematic way of thinking to solve quality problems. Six sigma involves use of statistics to convert raw data into facts about how the processes of the organization are being run. The thrust is on […]
Any inventory of Raw materials, finished goods as well as Intermediate in process inventory has an economic value and is considered an asset in the books of the company. Accordingly any asset needs to be managed to ensure it is maintained properly and is stored in secure environment to avoid pilferage, loss or thefts etc. […]
Team Member Selection Team member selection is a process that involves mapping of skills and strengths of each individual member with that of the role and the job description for which they are being hired or taken into the team. The process should take into account the perceptions of the team member regarding the role […]
Bank of America has issued a warning. The world’s second-largest bank by assets believes that the United States economy is staring at an imminent recession. Bank of America went as far as to say that the economic outlook was indeed scary and by the third quarter of 2017, the recession would have kicked in! The […]
The latest round of negotiations between Donald Trump, i.e. President of the United States and Kim Jong Un, the dictator of North Korea, held at Hanoi, seemed to have failed once again. Donald Trump claimed that he decided to walk away since North Korea’s demands were untenable. On the other hand, Kim-Jong Un claims that […]
Total Quality management refers to a continuous effort of management along with the employees of a particular organization to improve the quality of products and services.
Businesses need to emphasize on quality of their products rather than quantity to survive the fierce competition.
Remember in today’s scenario, there is no dearth of competitors in the market. Why would a customer return to your organization if you do not deliver what you had promised him initially? You can fool someone once but not twice. Quality is an important parameter for every business and should not be ignored at any cost.
Total Quality management works on a very simple principle:
The responsibility of delivering quality products and services to customers lies on the shoulders of every single individual who is even remotely associated with the organization. It is not only the management but also employees irrespective of their designation, suppliers, clients, customers who need to come up with improvement ideas to make foolproof systems and processes to deliver quality products which meet and exceed the expectations of end- users.
Customers play an important role in total quality management.
Before we proceed further, let me ask you a very simple question.
What is the basic difference between a successful and an unsuccessful business?
A business is successful only when its products and services have enough buyers in the market. Yes there are several other parameters also but customers play a crucial role in deciding the success and failure of an organization. Business marketers need to focus on their end-users and what exactly they expect from their organization.
Customer feedbacks should be regularly and carefully monitored before formulating any major business strategy. How can you ignore your customers who pay for your products which eventually bring revenues to your organization and yield higher profits?
Total quality management ensures that employees understand their target customers well before making any changes in the processes and systems to deliver superior quality products for better customer satisfaction. Infact, organizations introduce total quality management or any other quality management process to increase their customer base and levels of customer satisfaction.
Total Quality management increases an organization’s database of loyal customers who would not go anywhere, no matter what. Believe me, without customers a business can’t even exist.
Quality of a product is not defined only in terms of its durability, packaging, reliability, timely delivery and so on but also a customer’s overall experience with the organization. Remember customer dissatisfaction leads to loss of business.
In service industry, employees need to interact with the customers sensibly and with utmost care and professionalism to expect happy and loyal customers. Design various feedback forms for the customers for them to share what they feel about your products and services. The feedbacks may be in favour of your organization, may not be in favour of your business.
Negative comments or feedbacks of the customers should not be ignored. As a part of total quality management, employees should sit on a common platform, brainstorm ideas and come to concrete solutions which would improve the systems and processes to eventually delivery what the customer expects. No amount of total quality management would help if you ignore your customers.
In case of physical products, customers are satisfied when the products are:
In case of service industry customers are satisfied only when:
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