Curious Observation – First Step in Decision Making Process
February 12, 2025
The New Normal of Job Insecurity and Joblessness In recent months, we have been reading and hearing a lot about how Middle Level Managers and Senior Managers in the IT (Information Technology) sector are being laid off. Further, we are also seeing reports about how even those in supposedly high positions in the Industry have […]
Difference between Advocacy and Volunteerism Non-profits across the world are divided into those that are advocacy oriented and those that volunteer their services for the public good. Advocacy groups often promote views and opinions of like-minded citizens regarding public policy and suggest specific courses of action that can be actualized. On the other hand, the […]
Traditionally China has been one of the red states. This means that China traditionally adopted the policy of communism. Hence, one would expect the income and wealth disparity in China to be limited. However, surprisingly, that is not the case. China has one of the biggest wealth disparities in the world. For instance, the top […]
The Scandinavian countries are often seen as role models for welfare states. These countries are known for having very high taxation rates. However, many experts claim that these countries also have mechanisms to ensure that the money collected as taxes is plowed back to the people. Lately, Finland has been in the news for experimenting […]
In the highly competitive world of business and marketing, Organizations are pushed to be ahead of the race and walk the talk. Customer and Market expectations are higher where in the Companies are expected to walk the talk and demonstrate their capability to live through the promises. In such situation, Organizations have had to think […]
Individuals need to get along well with their fellow workers for a positive ambience at workplace and also for healthy interpersonal relationship. It is essential for individuals to trust each other at the workplace for better relations. It is almost impossible for employees to work alone. Everyone needs people around to discuss things and reach to better solutions.
Let us go through the role of employees in interpersonal relationship.
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