The COSO Framework for Internal Control
February 12, 2025
To deliver an effective presentation or speech, an individual has to take care of his communication and it has to be really impressive and effective. No one will really take the pains to listen to your ideas unless and until your communication is effective and impressive. Only speaking is not the solution, how you deliver […]
Market risk and volatility are two terms that are heard a lot by many risk management professionals. To the layman, the terms may sound like synonyms. This means that the average person tends to think that volatility and risk mean the same thing. However, this is not true. The terms are related and have a […]
Credit derivatives are the most important financial innovation in the field of credit risk management. These derivative instruments have been created quite recently. They have only been traded for a couple of decades as compared to other instruments like stocks and bonds which have been around for centuries. Within this short period of time, credit […]
What is Politics ? Employees who do not believe in working hard depend on nasty politics to make their position secure at the workplace. Employees play politics simply to come in the limelight and gain undue attention and appreciation from the seniors. Politics refers to irrational behavior of the individuals at the workplace to obtain […]
A reinsurance contract is essentially a contract between a ceding insurance company as well as a reinsurance company. Under plain vanilla reinsurance contracts, the premiums, as well as risks, are transferred proportionately from the ceding insurer to the reinsurance company. In some cases, this arrangement is not acceptable to one or both of the parties. […]
In 2017, Forbes magazine named #MeToo movement as the “person of the year.” This is because the #MeToo movement has shaken the corporate world to its very core. It is a sad fact that sexual harassment still remains a reality in the workplace.
For instance, it is estimated that at least one in three women who work in a full-time job will face some sort of sexual misconduct during the course of their lives.
These numbers are alarming. What is even more alarming is that high flying corporate executives and media personnel were caught up in this #MeToo storm. In some cases, the alleged sexual harassment did actually take place whereas, in others, the women involved were looking to make a quick buck.
Regardless of the final verdict, it needs to be understood that allegations made under the #MeToo movement can have serious financial consequences. In this article, we will have a closer look to understand how insurance can be used to mitigate some of the losses that may arise because of such claims.
In most cases, sexual harassment claims are indeed covered by an insurance policy. This is because it is standard practice for most companies to have directors and officers insurance policy. This policy is meant to protect the key personnel of a company against any claims including claims of sexual misconduct.
However, in many cases, expenses arising as a result of sexual harassment claims may not be covered. Typical examples of these cases are as follows:
Extended workplace means any place where the key personnel are supposed to be present in relation to their work. This includes places such as airports, hotels, etc. Hence, if the alleged sexual misconduct incident happened off business hours and in a place not connected to the business, insurance companies may deny making any claim payments
A wide variety of company executives may become a party to sexual harassment claims. Some of the common roles are listed below.
Sexual harassment claims lead to a wide variety of financial losses for the company. Any expense which can be directly attributed to the sexual harassment claim is usually covered by the insurance policy.
Insurance companies usually cover the fees associated with such defense cases. This may include payments related to lawyers’ fees as well as money charged by private investigators (if any)
It is important to understand that insurance companies are required to help protect the clients regardless of whether sexual misconduct has actually taken place.
Hence, insurance payouts will be applicable regardless of whether the defendant is found guilty or not. However, it also needs to be understood that most insurance companies levy a cap on the amount which they will pay under the directors’ and officers’ policy. Once this amount is exhausted, the insurance company will not be liable to make any more payments.
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