Cultural Dimensions of Leadership
February 12, 2025
A leader has got multidimensional traits in him which makes him appealing and effective in behavior. The following are the requisites to be present in a good leader: Physical appearance- A leader must have a pleasing appearance. Physique and health are very important for a good leader. Vision and foresight- A leader cannot maintain influence […]
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An organization is a setup where individuals from diverse backgrounds, different educational qualifications, varied mentalities and temperaments join hands to work towards a common goal. It is the culture of the workplace which unites all the employees, help them enjoy their work and deliver their level best. The values, policies, ideologies and beliefs of an […]
Etiquette refers to good manners required by an individual to find a place in the society. It is important for an individual to behave appropriately in public to earn respect and appreciation. One must learn to maintain the decorum of the work place. It is important to respect one’s organization to expect the same in […]
We live in a world where increasing complexity is the order of the day and the business landscape is characterized by a rapid turnover of companies which find themselves dethroned from their position because of outmoded thinking or anachronistic strategies. For instance, Nokia and RIM (the maker of Blackberry) were at the top of the […]
We often hear the terms scarcity and abundance mindsets of employees and employers in addition to leaders. These terms are used to refer to the mindset of the individuals who think in constrained or scarcity mindsets as opposed to those who think in terms of abundance.
Indeed, even in our daily lives, we make choices between adopting a mindset that thinks in terms of scarce resources and constrained choices as opposed to those who visualize abundance as far as their attitudes are concerned.
These terms have also become more relevant in contemporary times when there are resource shortages which mean that having a scarcity mindset is not always bad. Having said that, considering that technology and innovation have the potential to usher in abundance, it is worth noting that having an abundant mindset is preferable in many situations where leaders have to have the vision to think in terms of growth, prosperity, and affluence for all.
Next, let us examine the differences between leaders who have a scarcity mindset as opposed to those who have an abundant mindset.
Scarcity Mindset leaders and Abundance mindsets differ in the following ways
The point we are trying to make here is that both scarcity and abundance mindsets are present in all leaders and considering that management is situational and leadership is visionary, the outcomes for organizations depends to the extent in which the scarcity managerial model combines with the visionary abundance leadership model in determining the route taken by the organization as well as the culture in such organizations.
Moreover, it needs to be remembered that organizations and business leaders have a social and moral responsibility towards society.
Therefore, when evaluating leaders with either or both of the mindsets, one must take into account how much value they have created for society. In this context, it is worth noting that while the megabanks in the West make more profits and money than many other organizations, leaders of other companies are more respected because their abundance mindsets ensure that they give back to society in the same manner in which society has contributed to their success.
Therefore, in the ultimate analysis, it is the case that what works in one situation might not work in other situations and hence, whichever mindset you are going to adopt would depend on what your inner voice says about competition, collaboration, and coordination as well as moral and social obligations to your peers, families, friends, and colleagues and more importantly, to the wider society to which you belong.
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