Customers Expectations and Delight
February 12, 2025
If you scan the developments in the business world that have taken place in the last fifty years or so, you will find that business Organisations have had to reinvent themselves and write new rules of games. Everything about the business is changing rapidly. Introduction of IT has brought in, undreamt of changes in markets, […]
Corporate social responsibility allows organizations to do their bit for the society, environment, customers or for that matter stake holders. Let us go through the importance of corporate social responsibility. The term corporate social responsibility gives a chance to all the employees of an organization to contribute towards the society, environment, country and so on. […]
Introduction Samsung is a global conglomerate that operates in the “White Goods” market or the market for consumer appliances and gadgets. The company that is a South Korean family owned business has global aspirations and as the recent expansion into newer markets has shown, Samsung is not content with operating in some markets in the […]
The other day I over-heard a conversation generally referred as cooler moment. John was in conversation with Terry around lunch time. John said he was hungry but had to take a quick meal as he was expecting to run a business call. Terry gave alternative of burger as quick and easy meal, to which John […]
The 21st century has seen the advent of the new economy, thanks to the technology innovation and development. To understand the new economy, it is important to understand in brief characteristics and features of the old economy. Industrial revolution was the start point of the old economy with focus on producing massive quantities of standardized […]
The first four elements in the services marketing mix are the same as those in the traditional marketing mix. However, given the unique nature of services, the implications of these are slightly different in case of services.
However, too much customization would compromise the standard delivery of the service and adversely affect its quality. Hence particular care has to be taken in designing the service offering.
Thus a restaurant not only has to charge for the cost of the food served but also has to calculate a price for the ambience provided. The final price for the service is then arrived at by including a mark up for an adequate profit margin.
Thus, a fine dine restaurant is better located in a busy, upscale market as against on the outskirts of a city. Similarly, a holiday resort is better situated in the countryside away from the rush and noise of a city.
Thus, service providers offering identical services such as airlines or banks and insurance companies invest heavily in advertising their services. This is crucial in attracting customers in a segment where the services providers have nearly identical offerings.
We now look at the 3 new elements of the services marketing mix - people, process and physical evidence - which are unique to the marketing of services.
Thus, a restaurant is known as much for its food as for the service provided by its staff. The same is true of banks and department stores. Consequently, customer service training for staff has become a top priority for many organizations today.
Therefore, most companies have a service blue print which provides the details of the service delivery process, often going down to even defining the service script and the greeting phrases to be used by the service staff.
Thus, there are hair salons that have well designed waiting areas often with magazines and plush sofas for patrons to read and relax while they await their turn. Similarly, restaurants invest heavily in their interior design and decorations to offer a tangible and unique experience to their guests.
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