Cultural Dimensions of Leadership
February 12, 2025
Whenever two individuals opine in different ways, a conflict arises. In a layman’s language conflict is nothing but a fight either between two individuals or among group members. No two individuals can think alike and there is definitely a difference in their thought process as well as their understanding. Disagreements among individuals lead to conflicts […]
With an aim to leverage on the global talent, virtual teams are becoming the norm for team work in most of organizations. But there are certain myths that cloud the mindset of the managers/leaders of these virtual teams which does not allow them to utilize their full potential. For the success of virtual team, it […]
Climate change is a burning issue in 2022. There is not even an iota of doubt that climate change affects almost everyone in the world in one form or another. However, some industries are impacted more than others. The reinsurance industry is among the ones which are deeply impacted. Climate change has been identified as […]
International business ethics emerged quite late globally compared to the business ethics that came up in 1970’s. It was only in late 1990’s that the international business ethics came to the fore especially so after the economic developments that occurred on a global scale. In 1990’s many businesses from the developing countries expanded their operations […]
Personality development plays a crucial role in enhancing one’s personality. It helps an individual to develop a positive attitude and look at the brighter sides of life. Personality development plays an imperative role at workplace as it decides the way an individual interacts with his fellow workers and responds to various situations. How an individual […]
Leaders are essentially people who know their goals and have the power to influence the thoughts and actions of others to garner their support and cooperation to achieve these goals. In-case of leaders these goals are rarely personal and generally to serve the larger good.
Ever since man was a hunter gatherer and lived in closely knit groups, they had leaders who led the hunting expeditions and took greater risk than the rest of the group members. In turn they were bestowed with larger share of hunting, respect and a higher position in the group. With changing times, how leadership is perceived has also changed, but, it remains an important aspect of social fabric nevertheless.
The initial theories proposed that leaders are born and cannot be created, there are certain distinct characteristics possessed by few men which make them leaders. [Read Great Man Theory and the Trait Theory]. However, for the current discussion we would try and take a closer look at another interesting theory which was proposed called Situational Leadership Theory. This theory says that the same leadership style cannot be practiced in all situations, depending upon the circumstance and environmental context the leadership style also changes. The pioneers of this theory were Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey.
The model encourages the leaders to analyze a particular situation in depth and then lead in the most appropriate manner, suitable for that situation. The three aspects that need could be considered in a situation are:
In the Situational Leadership model, the leadership style has been divided into 4 types:
It is also represented by a diagram most often which is below:
The developmental level of follower is an important indication for a leader to decide the most appropriate leadership style for them:
The above information regarding the style of leadership and the type of followers sure has a correlation to each other which forms the basis of situational leadership. So, a situational leader would try to accommodate his/her leadership style as per the situation and the level of competence and commitment of his/her followers. This information is also an important aspect to consider when senior leaders act as coaches for their subordinates in the organizations.
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