Step 1: Collect and Review Primary Information
February 12, 2025
In keeping with technological changes in IT sector as well as evolving business need, there are discernable changes in ERP market as well. The traditional strength of ERP in back office space such as basic manufacturing, financial management, procurement and distribution, is still unchallenged. But the mind set is changing rapidly and ERP system providers […]
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When any Organization Imports any item into the country, the cargo would need to be Custom Cleared. The consignment transported by Air, Ship or by Trailer on the Road, would have to be deposited at the Customs Notified and Bonded Area. Customs Clearance or brokering is done by third party service providers who are licensed […]
Organizations depend upon Business Process Improvement to make changes to the internal operations in order to drive efficiency in the process as well as to impact the business. As the business needs keep changing, the Organizations too need to keep changing at the same speed and frequency to be able to meet up with the […]
The production system design planning considers input requirements, conversion process and output. After considering the forecast and long-term planning organization should undertake capacity planning. Capacity is defined as the ability to achieve, store or produce. For an organization, capacity would be the ability of a given system to produce output within the specific time period. […]
Six Sigma projects are meant to make the organization efficient. It is for this reason that one must ensure that the projects are efficient in themselves.
One of the main criteria for a project to be efficient is that it must have well defined goals. Only once the goals are defined with clear articulation can plans be laid out to achieve them. Six Sigma projects have guidelines on defining the objectives of the project.
There are three essential characteristics that the objective must possess. They are as follows:
There may be many places where there might be scope for improvement as well. However the organization has limited resources and needs to take only the most important projects first.
Which projects are important are defined by the strategy of the organization. Hence one must ensure that the six sigma project is aligned towards the strategy of the organization and is hence valuable.
It is critical that the team undertaking the six sigma project be able to clearly define what they intend to do in front of stakeholders like the people who actually implement the process. Hence the objectives must be defined in as simple terms as possible so that articulation is easy.
However, if you place the objectives of the project too far outside the limit of the organization, it is bound to fail. Failure in a six sigma project demoralizes the people who have been instrumental in implementing them. This jeopardizes the entire quality initiative. Make the objectives achievable at the start of the project to avoid turmoil at later stages.
The Five Step Procedure for Defining the Scope, Purpose and Value of a Six Sigma Project
The details regarding how to perform each step are provided in the subsequent articles to make your six sigma journey easier.
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