Cost Benefit Analysis for Training
February 12, 2025
Exits, Whether Voluntary Or Involuntary, are Inevitable Organizations let go of employees for a variety of reasons. While voluntary exits or those employees who leave organizations to seek greener pastures elsewhere are at one of the spectrum in terms of process and the HR (Human Resource) strategies used, involuntary exits where employees are made to […]
It is the practice in many organizations to conduct training programs periodically for their employees. Often, these training programs are conducted to enhance on the job skills and to enable the employees to pick up valuable soft skills. Further, the training programs can be technical/job oriented or human resource skills oriented. For instance, it is […]
Employee happiness is not a choice for today’s employers but it is a need which may directly impact the organization’s topline and bottomline profitability. Employers who have realized the importance of work-life balance are more profitable and successful, as such organization’s tend to have employees who are more happy, creative, love to take challenges fearlessly […]
Social enterprises tend to operate with a purpose of creating value for the society and also generate income (if not wealth). As a thumb rule, the solutions they offer are supposed to be innovative, unique, people and environment friendly; Cost effectiveness is also a huge consideration. All of these are challenges to the sustainability of […]
Introduction All of us work for monetary and non-monetary benefits and there is no denying the fact that the former is more important for many (if not all) than the latter. Therefore, employees in organizations need to understand the components of the Payslip as this determines how much they are earning (gross and net) as […]
Most of training is either technical or behavioural in nature, but there are still other trainings that are neither. These fall under the ambit of special training programs and are conducted with an agenda of smoothening the work process within the organisation.
Workforce diversity can be both positive and negative for the organisation. Positive in that it brings fresh and different perspectives to the latter and negative in that team building may not be that easy. Multinational corporations that employ workforce of all races, creeds and colour face the problem racism. Similarly organisations in the Asian subcontinent more specially, face the problem of sexual harassment of workers. There are other problems also apart from these and these can only be resolved with the help of awareness trainings.
In this article we briefly discuss trainings other than the behavioural and technical ones.
There are other training types that involve training expatriates and inpatriates. These form however a very small chunk of the entire training programs. These special training programs are also with an intent of organisation and people development, aimed implicitly at organisational effectiveness and profits.
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