Cost Benefit Analysis for Training
February 12, 2025
Employee development is an ongoing process which helps employees to enhance their skills and knowledge to contribute more effectively towards the organization. Remember you are not paid for simply coming to office and leaving on time. You really need to perform exceptionally well to stand apart from the rest. It is essential for employees to […]
Types of Skills In a world where unprecedented change and relentless competition between individuals, companies, nations, and other players is the norm, to succeed, one must have the right skills. The skills that are acquired as part of the formal education are one aspect and those acquired on the job as well as from informal […]
Numerous management studies and researches support the proposal that there exists a relationship between employee engagement and customer satisfaction. It has been observed that the actively engaged employees are extremely loyal towards their organisation and are always ready to walk that extra mile to ensure success for their company. The studies such as ‘Loyalty Effects’ […]
The Dilemma between Specialization and Specialization If you are a student who is planning an MBA (Master of Business Administration) or a Technical Degree, you would no doubt be faced with the choice between going in for a generalized degree or a specialized one. The former gives you a broad overview of your preferred discipline […]
The Paradox of Too many People, Capital and Too Few Jobs and Resources The present times are characterized by an oversupply of everything related to the job market and the presence of so much capital at the disposal of companies. On the other hand, the physical resources needed like oil, gas, minerals, and water are […]
Most of training is either technical or behavioural in nature, but there are still other trainings that are neither. These fall under the ambit of special training programs and are conducted with an agenda of smoothening the work process within the organisation.
Workforce diversity can be both positive and negative for the organisation. Positive in that it brings fresh and different perspectives to the latter and negative in that team building may not be that easy. Multinational corporations that employ workforce of all races, creeds and colour face the problem racism. Similarly organisations in the Asian subcontinent more specially, face the problem of sexual harassment of workers. There are other problems also apart from these and these can only be resolved with the help of awareness trainings.
In this article we briefly discuss trainings other than the behavioural and technical ones.
There are other training types that involve training expatriates and inpatriates. These form however a very small chunk of the entire training programs. These special training programs are also with an intent of organisation and people development, aimed implicitly at organisational effectiveness and profits.
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