Cutting Costs Strategically
February 12, 2025
No two individuals have same buying preferences. The buying tendencies of individuals vary as per their age, need, income, lifestyle, geographical location, willingness to spend, family status and so on. An individual’s immediate family members play an essential role in influencing his/her buying behaviour. An individual tends to discuss with his immediate family members before […]
In the current times International Retailing industry is largely characterised by international sourcing. Though one might argue that for centuries countries have been engaged in sourcing materials from different countries, international sourcing as in the retail trade has grown and changed over a period of time. In the initial stages, the impetus for retailing of […]
Marketers need to understand the buying behaviour of consumers while designing their advertisements for the desired impact. Advertisements play an essential role in creating an image of a product in the minds of consumers. Advertisements must be catchy and communicate relevant information to consumers. Understanding the needs of the consumer is really important when it […]
Satisfying customer needs ensures the business survival for an organization. A periodical check is required to enhance the quality of services and product to build a quality relationship with customers. For fulfilling this goal organizations must have a set of rules to measure and improve this quality. Delivering best quality services to customers is considered […]
Considering the business point of view, it is valuable to deliberate of culture as presented at four diverse levels namely the national, business, industry and organization. National Culture comprises of the distinguishing common values, thoughts, suppositions, faith and customs of the occupants of a country which direct their behavior. For instance, the Scandinavian countries rest […]
Unilever operates in nearly 190 countries around the world and has been a traditional paragon of excellence and quality in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods sector. The company derives its competitive advantage from its global footprint and its track record of enhancing value for the consumers around the world. Even in the current recessionary environment, it has managed to grow at a respectable pace though as we shall discuss latter, Unilever cannot afford to ignore the emerging threats from a wide range of global, regional, and local players. Apart from this, as the succeeding SWOT Analysis makes it clear, the battle for the emerging markets is likely to escalate into a no holds barred competition with a race to the bottom ensuing between the global giants like Unilever and Proctor and Gamble and a array of local players.
Unilever has been in the business of consumer fulfillment for many decades and hence, we are confident that it can tide over the present gloomy conditions in the FMCG segment. Having said that, we conclude the article with a cautionary note of not taking the threat from the Asian FMCG majors lightly as they understand the continent better and at the same time are mastering the intricacies of the global marketplace.
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