Common Barriers to the Successful Functioning of High-Performing Teams
February 12, 2025
Ever since the allegations against the famous (now infamous) Hollywood celebrity, Harvey Weinstein, about sexual harassment broke out, there has been a flurry of women across the political, economic, social, and entertainment world who have come forward detailing their own experiences with sexual harassment. Also, with noted Silicon Valley firms being accused of covering up […]
Models of public relations were proposed by James E. Grunig, a noted public relations theorist who has to his credit several books, articles, chapters and awards in the field of public relations. According to James E.Grunig, there are four models of public Relations: Press Agentry/Publicity Press Agentry Publicity model is also called P.T Barnum model. […]
Return on Investment is a popular analytical tool which is used to measure the benefits relative to the cost. There is an ongoing debate in the business world on which is better – co-located or virtual teams. Though there is no black and white answer to this question. But the key lies in carefully assessing […]
We have always associated leadership with a very visible and popular role which gives you recognition and a larger than life status as a leader however the level 5 leadership proposes quite opposing characteristics of a successful leader. Jim Collins and his research team were exploring the factors that made good companies great way back […]
If proper procedures are the foundation of a high-performance team, then clear and open communication is the roof. Clear and honest communication between the team members and the management is the backbone for the survival of a high-performance team. It acts as a glue that binds all the team members together. Effective communication helps in […]
It is important for any team to make an assessment of their current strengths. This will provide the basis for a plan in order to increase the effectiveness of the team in order to achieve the organizational goals.
Team contracts are meant to outline the ground rules for the team. It is important for the team leader to state what he wants in his team and what he does not want in his team.
Team contracts are created as well as monitored by the team. Any team contract primarily has a Code of Conduct.
This code of conduct may include:
Any team contract needs to lay down the Ground Rules for Participation:
Ground Rules have to be set for Communication also
There are many more ground rules which are laid down in a team contract in order to allow for a smooth functioning of the team. These will be discussed in another article.
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