Corporate Meetings
February 12, 2025
The Importance of Employment Statistics Management students and professionals alike should know the importance of employment statistics and numbers and must also know how to interpret such reports. Indeed, based on employment statistics and numbers, several important business decisions such as when to enter a particular market or how to base such entry strategies need […]
Etiquette helps human beings to behave in a socially responsible way. Etiquette helps you gain respect, trust and appreciation from others. There is a huge difference between an individual’s college and professional life. One needs to follow a proper dress code at the workplace for the desired impact. It is essential to dress appropriately at […]
This module has covered the various aspects of change management and the roles played by senior management as well as the CEO in top down change and the role of employees at all levels in bottom up change. This article looks at the role played by “support functions” in an organization in facilitating change. Specifically, […]
What is Unemployment Assistance and Why it Matters in the Present Times World over, there are many countries that provide what is known as Unemployment Assistance which is essentially a monetary payout to those who are laid off from their jobs. Otherwise known as Dole, Unemployment Assistance helps those workers and professionals who are out […]
Markets present a clash of interest between various players. There is competition for resources, customers and price etc, which breeds ground for activities that may not get ethical sanctions. A certain code of conduct, policies and practices called ethics are required to manage markets and marketing. Marketing is the heart of all businesses and all […]
MBA Aspirant needs to master his communication skills to perform exceptionally well in MBA from a reputed Business school and prove his mettle while studying as well as in the corporate world. He should definitely have an edge over the other candidates, if he has excellent and impressive communication skills.
Let us go through some handy tips to improve the communication skills:
When you read aloud, after sometime, words automatically fall into your mouth and thus improve the communication skills. If you come across any new word, do check out its meaning and try to add it in your speech the next time you speak. Reading also enhances your general knowledge and makes you aware of what is happening around you. Read anything which interests you.
Remember there is no end to learning. An individual can learn new things at any age. While interacting with anyone, if you come across any unknown word, do not feel shy or hesitate to find out its meaning. No one will make fun of you, instead would appreciate you for your initiative to learn more.
It is rightly said” Practice makes a man perfect”. Practice a lot. Whatever language you want to master on, try to interact in the same language with your friends and family for the perfect flow of words.
Never feel embarrassed if you are wrong, learn from your mistakes. Stand in front of the mirror and speak to yourself. Ask yourself questions and answer them. Be your own critic. It works.
Don’t keep half of your words in mouth, speak properly and clearly. You yourself have to be very clear with your thoughts for others to understand it well. Design your content by keeping the audiences in mind and don’t make it complicated. Keep it simple.
One has to understand the importance of non verbal communication as well. Keep a control on your hands and emotions while speaking. Don’t play with your pen or handkerchief and never smile unnecessarily. Don’t start sweating in between presentations. The audience will never bite you, so please do make an eye contact with them. Do not forget to greet them well with a warm smile.
MBA doesn’t only mean learning the four P’s of marketing or cramming Philip Kotler. It’s much more than that. One needs to be an extrovert and must know how to brand oneself. You must know how to position yourself in the market place and impress others. Be very careful about your pitch and tone. Never murmur while speaking. Don’t speak too slowly or never be in a hurry to speak. Speak loudly and clearly so that you are audible to one and all. No one will notice you if your tone and pitch is not clear and you will be lost in the crowd.
One might be good in academics, might be very intelligent, but to carve a niche in today’s competitive world, one has to be an exceptionally good communicator. Impressive communication skills coupled with your MBA will definitely take you to the pinnacle of success.
Always remember confidence, clarity in thoughts, practice, good listening as well as reading skills are the main ingredients of good communication skills. One has to take good care of all the above to emerge as a winner and rule the world.
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