Can a Robot Think Critically and Muse Philosophically? Skills for the Future Workforce
February 12, 2025
Emotional intelligence and emotional quotient Emotional intelligence is an indispensable skill for people. Emotions impact every aspect of people’s lives, including the workplace. Those with a high level of emotional intelligence can identify the impact of their emotions on themselves and others. One indicator of a high level of emotional intelligence in the workplace is […]
Every individual aspires to grow professionally and reach the pinnacle of success within the shortest possible time frame. No one wants to work at a junior or mid level position throughout his/her life. Now a days, when the competition is so fierce, people who are multiskilled have better chances of not only getting selected in […]
Employees have always been bossed around their managers and told what they are supposed to do. They never had the authority to decide things in the company. Gradually, times are changing and employees are encouraged to participate in organization’s decision making process. Management motivates them to come up with ideas and suggestions that can make […]
Healthy relationship among employees leads to a positive ambience at the workplace. You feel like going to work every day if you have friends in the office. A single brain sometimes cannot do wonders where as many brains put together can reach to innovative ideas and solutions which eventually benefit not only the organization but […]
Restructuring the elements including tasks, duties and responsibilities of a specific job in order to make it more encouraging and inspiring for the employees or workers is known as job redesigning. The process includes revising, analyzing, altering, reforming and reshuffling the job-related content and dimensions to increase the variety of assignments and functions to motivate […]
An imbalance between the personal life and work life can have serious or adverse effects on the health and well-being. This imbalance usually occurs when the boudaries between the professional life and personal life are not clearly demarcated and followed with a discipline. Work-life imbalance leads to emotional stress, depression and anxiety.
Extensive studies and research on Work Life Balance reveal that, more than financial pressures or family problems, work-life imbalance affects the health considerably and may trigger serious complications if left ignored.
An exhaustive schedule if followed for a long time, may build up confusion, increase the susceptibility of mistakes at work and affect the overall productivity. Several problems occur such as lack of hand-eye coordination, poor reflexes, problems with concentration and the risk of accidents, injuries, liability or professional upsurges are few other hazards of an imbalance in the work life schedule.
By having the support of the friends and loved ones, one can experience a sense of contentment and lead a satisfied life. But, for the friends to remain by your side for life-long, quality time needs to be dedicated and frequent communication must take place.
Employees avail sick leave for which they are paid even in case of absence from work for certain days by providing a legitimate reason. Sick leaves are a direct cost to the organization. Apart from this, there will be a loss in productivity due to the increase in the level of absenteism in an organization.
One can overcome stress or at least keep it under check by practising yoga, breathing techniques, maintaining a routine for walking or exercising. Moreover, burnout issue can be addressed by grabbing ample sleep and taking breaks from the monotonous schedule. By having a hobby in life and experimenting with new hobbies periodically will also help in combating stress and burnout issues.
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