Curious Observation – First Step in Decision Making Process
February 12, 2025
Every individual has his own characteristic way of behaving, responding to emotions, perceiving things and looking at the world. No two individuals are similar. You might like going out for parties but your friend might prefer staying back at home reading his/her favourite book. It is really not necessary that if you like partying around, […]
Employees indulge in politics to make their position secure at the workplace and spoil the reputation of their fellow workers. Individuals play politics for instant fame, recognition and to achieve something beyond their control in a short span of time. An organization is at loss when its employees play dirty politics. Individuals find it extremely […]
Abraham Maslow is well renowned for proposing the Hierarchy of Needs Theory in 1943. This theory is a classical depiction of human motivation. This theory is based on the assumption that there is a hierarchy of five needs within each individual. The urgency of these needs varies. These five needs are as follows- Physiological needs- […]
Trust seems to be the key trait linked with leadership. A leader cannot lead if his followers do not trust him. A leader discovers the employees’/followers problems and tries to solve them, but it is the trust that his followers hold on him which tells whether the leaders retrieve the knowledge and intellectuality required to […]
Employees indulge in politics to win appreciation from the superiors and tarnish the reputation of the fellow workers. Individuals who do not believe in working hard depend on nasty politics at the workplace simply to save their own job. Changing jobs frequently is no solution to politics. One must try to avoid politics for a […]
Business leaders in the 21st century operate in a vastly different terrain than those who led their companies to success in the earlier decades. The landscape that confronts the business leaders of today is characterized by what is known as the VUCA principle or the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity characteristics.
This term has been coined by the noted futurist and member of the Institute for the Future, Robert Johansen, who points to the increasingly unstable and unpredictable world that the business leaders have to navigate.
If we take volatility first, it is clear that consumer preferences and trends are ever changing and the rapid turnover in brands, products, and companies is proof that business leaders cannot take their leadership position for granted anymore.
For example, the Finnish Mobile maker, Nokia that used to be the market leader a few years ago is now nowhere in the reckoning because astute and agile players like Samsung and Apple saw the emerging trend of Smartphones and quickly launched their products.
As many people who watch cricket attest, one has to see the ball early and only then, one can hope to succeed.
Similarly, the business landscape that is characterized by extreme volatility means that business leaders have to focus on getting there early and staying there for the future.
In other words, business leaders have to channelize their energies so that they know the future to compete in the present.
The next aspect of uncertainty is closely tied with the points made in the previous paragraph. Therefore, the next feature that is discussed here is complexity, which means that business leaders have to adopt a non-linear approach to solving problems and must think out of the box.
Further, they would have to ensure that they not only solve the problems but the business dilemmas brought on due to too much complexity which means that they would have to choose between several competing alternatives that are all attractive but cannot be actualized together.
The world has become so complex even for the layperson that the complexity in the business world is of much higher magnitude and is multilayered meaning that the landscape is now no longer a simple equation where profits mean success.
In other words, the business leaders would have to ensure that they take into account the laws, regulations, and policies as well as social and environmental costs of doing business in an increasingly interconnected world where conditions in one region are markedly different from conditions in other regions.
The fourth and the final aspect that business leaders must confront is ambiguity, which means that the business landscape presents problems and dilemmas that cannot be reduced to simple yes and no type of solutions and black and white approach to problem solving.
Instead, most of the problems that business leaders face now are of the type where the complete information is lacking, where there are no clear solutions in sight, and where the reality of the marketplace is multilayered and multidimensional meaning that leaders would have to resort to unconventional ways of solving problems and confronting situations.
Ambiguity also manifests in conjunction with the other features like uncertainty and complexity and as discussed next, each of these features feed into each other creating a melange that is tough to handle for many firms.
Taken together, the VUCA Paradigm is an apt metaphor for leaders who have to lead from the front and have to steer their companies through turbulent and choppy waters.
As mentioned above, each of the features in the VUCA paradigm are interrelated and feed into each other with the result that the overall picture one gets is a business landscape that is chaotic, fluid, and ever changing.
Indeed, this is where the true and great leaders can distinguish themselves from the rest of the pack through their vision and sense of mission.
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