Step 1: Collect and Review Primary Information
February 12, 2025
Using Business Process Improvement as a tool to improve internal efficiencies and to bring about the desired changes in business operations has become an accepted practice in most of the Organizations. At a time where the life cycle of products and businesses is becoming shorter and fast changing in line with changes in technology and […]
All products and services fail! Even the processes which have already achieved six sigma precision fail. However considering the possible sources of failures, the effects that they are likely to have and how prioritizing failure modes makes the product, service, process plan more robust. Considering possible failure modes and integrating them into the design goes […]
In previous articles, we looked at how the BPO phenomenon has played itself out in India and other Asian countries that have derived humungous benefits to their economies. In this article, we look at the other side of the coin i.e. the benefits that accrue to the economies of the Western countries as they outsource […]
Planned obsolescence is often considered to be a part of the capitalist ideology. The supposed logic behind planned obsolescence is that capitalist companies put inferior components in their products. As a result, these products do not last as long. Since the products break down sooner, the customers are forced to buy new products. Opponents of […]
Facebook is one of the most important firms in the American economy. The tech giant is a major employer in the United States. Its actions have a profound economic impact across the globe. This is the reason behind the hefty valuation that Facebook commands. However, this valuation and the entire business model came under siege […]
Metrics are numbers that tell you important information about a process under question. They tell you accurate measurements about how the process is functioning and provide base for you to suggest improvements.
It is said that only when one can express their understanding in terms of numbers is the understanding satisfactory and meaningful.
Usually measuring results with one metric is not a good enough strategy. A combination of metrics is used to measure the effectiveness of the process.
In the end it is only an understanding of both types of metrics and what they suggest can meaningful decisions be made about the process is question.
Here are some important functions that metrics fulfil in an organization.
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