Cultural Influences on Financial Decisions
February 12, 2025
Most of the literature in market risk management is dedicated to explaining the methods which are used in the management of regular market risk. This means that importance is rightly given to the management of the cases which are likely to occur 99% of the time. However, the recent past has shown us that there […]
Movements in the stock markets are easy to track. This is because instead of looking at the movements in the price of several different stocks, investors can simply look at the movement in the underlying index. This is where the concept of index is derived from. It provides a pulse of the market wherein one […]
In the previous articles, we have studied various money market instruments as well as how they are traded in the market. In this article, we will have a closer look at treasury bills. It needs to be understood that treasury bills are the most widely sold instruments in the global money markets. They are the […]
The American federal debt problem is well known. There are famous debt clocks which are tracking the increase in American federal debt. However, that calculation does not take into account the true scale of America’s debt problem. This is because the American federal debt is out of control. This is a known fact. However, many […]
In any international business, the market conditions in the foreign market as well as the political, economic and social environments and their stability happens to be the common factors that shape the expansion strategies of the Companies. While the international retail Companies choose to expand their operations across foreign markets, they do so as a […]
The banking system forms the bedrock of any financial system and even the entire economy. This is because the banking system channels the savings of individuals to the industrious. If there is a problem with this system, both the individuals and the business class are likely to be seriously affected. Therefore, maintaining the health of the banking system is not something in which most countries are comfortable, leaving up to the free market. Instead, there is a regulator assigned who closely monitors the activities of the banks. This is because even though banks are a part of the financial system, they are not allowed to undertake many activities that other participants are allowed to.
In this article, we will enumerate the various restrictions which are placed on the banks as well as the rationale behind those restrictions.
The classic example of what happens when banks are allowed to take on excessive risks is seen in the Great Recession of 2008 in the United States. Banks were involved in the sale of risky mortgage securities, and during the time of crisis, they were not able to obtain funding. As such, the credit markets froze, and the banks' supply to interbank credit was cut off. This was an emergency situation, and the whole financial system was endangered.
The situation was finally resolved after the government stepped in and provided emergency funding. This emergency funding stopped the crisis but was considered to be a wrong policy decision. This is because if banks are not held responsible for their excessive risk-taking, it promotes moral hazard. The United States government ensures that banks had to pay fees and dividends wherever the taxpayer funds were used. However, the moral hazard is still present. There are many critics who still believe that banks take excessive risks since they know that they are too big to fail and that governments will eventually be forced to bail them out.
The bottom line is that banks are not like other institutions. Their well-being is central to other industries and to the economy as a whole. This is the reason why banks need to be monitored more closely as compared to other industries.
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