Components of Commercial Value Chain
February 12, 2025
In order to truly control a process, one must understand the inputs as well as outputs of the process. These inputs and outputs are displayed through numbers which are called “metrics”. The primary metric is a way to say with numbers how well your process is performing. Here are a few pointers that will help […]
Step 1: Decide Between a Normal Process Map v/s Swim Lanes Process maps can be built in the usual way wherein sequence is the primary concern or in the swim lane pattern. In the swim lane pattern along with sequence, accountability is also formally recorded. This is because each group of participants is recorded separately […]
The Mobile Revolution has Transformed Indian Society and Economy When compared to the other sectors that flourished in the post liberalization phase starting from the 1990s, the Indian Telecom Sector is perhaps the biggest success story as far as its role as an enabler of connectivity and helping the rural residents as well as the […]
Introduction Business intelligence is an important to ensure the following: Various decision-makers and analyst have a direct and un-interrupted access to data. The data been used across the organization should be non-disputable. Decision makers spend their time analyzing the data rather than collecting and formatting them. Decision makers are able to focus their energy in […]
As the name itself explains, a model-driven decision support system utilizes a model to solve problems or aid in decision making. A model can be statistical, financial, mathematical, analytical, simulation or optimization. A model-driven DSS may employ a single model or a combination of two or more models, depending upon the specific needs of its […]
In the digital age, information technology plays an important role in the success of an organization. Technology provides edge in this globalized world. Companies are facing competition not only from local companies but from international companies as well.
In such a scenario, it is important that company invest in technology which is aligned with overall strategy of the company. This calls for Mb>technology strategy formulation.
Technology strategy formulation talks about alignment between technology strategy and the overall strategy of the organization. Here the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) comes into prominence.
The CIO should have short term as well as long term vision of technology advancement. CIO should bridge implication of technology advancement and organization strategy. A clear communication of technology impact on organization needs to reach executive leadership.
This alignment between CIO and CEO revolves around issues like:
CIO faces challenge to provide technology value adds for organization in achieving its objective.
Corporate planning plays an important role in alignment of technology with organization strategy. In a perfect scenario CIO and CEO will have a same planning horizon. However, it is observed that the CEO and CIO do not share same vision, from planning to execution.
This introduces the concept of planning lead time. In some organization, strategy execution does not match to technology planning horizon and execution. By the time technology strategy is executed, more advancement is observed in that system, thus competitive edge is lost.
In the above scenario, companies become reactive rather than pro-active. Companies need to adjust with challenges posed by market leaders and trend setters. A strong CIO-CEO relationship ensure organization develop understanding of technological challenges and its impact on overall organization.
Organization needs to ensure that their structure is agile and flexible as to accommodate changes in the technology. They should be efficient and effective enough to deal demands of the market change.
Organization needs to develop and maintain technology systems, which are flexible and adaptive. There are three types of technology infrastructure available with companies’ ERP, data warehousing and knowledge management.
All three dimensions ERP, Data Warehousing and Knowledge Management provide cutting edge to the organization.
Organization invests in technology looking at its present needs; future requirements and its capability to provide a competitive edge. Systems can be classified into three categories depending upon technology timeline, new systems, matured systems and declining systems.
New systems have latest technology and provide a competitive edge. As time progresses system and technology are adopted by more companies, thus losing competitive edge. Finally, systems and technology reach the obsolete stage where its usage has declined and is to be phased out.
Executive leadership of organizations is responsible to manage new systems range as to enjoy competitive edge. However, this requires substantial investment and clear vision of future technology state. Therefore, organization has to walk a tight rope in investment in new technology and phasing out the obsolete.
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