Current Trends in Talent Management
February 12, 2025
For the organization to perform better it is important that the employees are comfortable with each other, share a good rapport and work in close coordination towards a common objective. People feel responsible and motivated to do good work and enjoy their work rather than taking it as a burden. It is important that the […]
Differing Reward Systems and their Consequences The debate over whether entrepreneurs/owners should be rewarded at multiples that exceed those for the rank and file employees has been raging for some time now. What has added fuel to the fire in recent years has been the issue of executive compensation and shareholder rewards when compared to […]
How do you think an organization runs? With the help of people who contribute in their own way to accomplish tasks and achieve goals of the organization. The individuals who spend their maximum part of the day at the workplace, striving hard to reach to a conclusion benefiting them as well as the organization are […]
Why Worried Governments and Business Leaders are Regulating after Hours Availability In our 24/7 breakneck speed and hyper-connected world, employees are expected to put in many hours and also be responsive to calls and emails as well as other forms of communication even after working hours. Indeed, ask any professional in any field and invariably, […]
Career management is conscious planning of one’s activities and engagements in the jobs one undertakes in the course of his life for better fulfilment, growth and financial stability. It is a sequential process that starts from an understanding of oneself and encompasses occupational awareness. An individual’s career is the sole source of one’s natural expression […]
The current economic conditions demand a cut in the expenses. Unfortunately enough for talent management though organizations and leadership is all praise for it on papers, the same is neglected as seen as a cost center when it comes to implementation.
In wake of the economic recession human resource professionals are under huge pressure to cut costs. Logically this is best time to validate the importance of talent management.
Hiring and compensating the best talent in the industry optimally and ensuring performance at the same time. The question that remains is ‘what exactly is the relevance in the current economic conditions’? Before trying to answer lets ponder on certain key issues.
All this has opened up avenues for HR professionals for vindicating their stand on talent management and once organizations understand that they need an integrated approach to talent management, the involvement of a top executive is important for driving success.
The top executive who now heads the talent management function is responsible for activities like succession planning, leadership development, career development, performance management, learning and development, recruitment etc. Having said this we again arrive upon the question of relevance.
Developing Leadership Pool: Succession planning and leadership development are two issues that have felt a sense of urgency after the recent economic downturn. Organizations have been seeking leadership positions to rescue them out of crisis.
Performance Management: After succession planning and leadership development, performance management comes next on the list. Without a thorough and standard way to measure performance it is not possible to promote right people to right positions and motivate them to perform for organizational growth and development.
Recruitment assumes significance: Recruitment becomes strategic so to say. Recruitment practices determine organizational effectiveness. In a tight labor market it a daunting task to attract the brightest talent towards your organization and then getting them onboard.
Internet has become an important source of external recruiting. Systems and standards have been laid down for the same. Here building an employer brand is important. Those who do, get right people onboard.
Skill based Manpower Planning: Manpower planning is a strategic HR process these days. Instead of a mere headcount based hiring; manpower planning now extends to the locating critical skills, roles and responsibilities and then ascertaining current and future talent needs for those roles.
These are vital processes that optimize the performance of the human capital management. What is required is to ensure that they are consistent in order to ascertain they meet the business objectives.
Talent management is in its nascent stage, there are still more processes that will be added in due course of time as organizations opt for more initiatives in the direction.
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