Approaches to Job Design
February 12, 2025
In this tightly integrated and interconnected 24/7 world where businesses operate at all times and keep their IT (Information Technology) enabled processes and systems running all the time, it is important for such businesses to protect themselves against cyber threats and cyber warfare. By definition, cyber threats refer to the risks arising from hacking and […]
Communication plays an essential role in increasing efficiency of employees. Employees need to interact with each other more often to break the ice and feel comfortable at the workplace. Problems arise when information does not flow in its desired form. Effective communication facilitates free flow of information among employees and reduces misunderstandings and confusions. Effective […]
Defining the performance objectives can be very useful as it defines the performance expectations. Objectives which are written down and are verifiable can be far more useful if they are SMART in nature which means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound. Many organizations set goals and objectives through a formal process known as Management […]
What is Conflict of Interest? Working professionals in any organization have to contend with the organizational policies on Conflict of Interest. The term Conflict of Interest refers to the divided loyalties of the individual where he or she is violating the policy whenever he or she undertakes a parallel activity that is detrimental to their […]
Why Did American Employers Mark May As The Mental Health Awareness Month? This year, the month of May was celebrated as Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States and Canada. Across the US and Canada, employers and employees alike took part in a month long activity binge, focusing on how the American and Canadian […]
Job rotation is considered as an effective tool for successful implementation of HR strategy. It is about settling employees at the right place where they can deliver the maximum results. In today’s highly competitive world, this can be proved as the best strategy to find the immediate replacement of a high-worth employee from within the organization.
Finding the most suitable people and shifting them to take on the responsibilities of a higher level is a tough task. Job rotation helps HR managers determine who can be replaced by whom and create a suitable and beneficial fit.
A properly planned and carried job rotation process plays an essential role in strengthening the position of an organization and helps it deal with uncertain and tentative outer environment. Let’s discuss the benefits of job rotation process at length in order to realize its importance and the potential:
Job rotation is an alternative to reduce the boredom caused due to repetitiveness of tasks and revive their willingness to handle a job and challenges involved in it with same excitement and zeal.
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