Reasons for Failure of Participative Management
February 12, 2025
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Participative management as a decision making style is not welcome by one and all! Labor or trade unions, for example do not approve of this. They argue that it is in fact disadvantageous to welfare of the workers because the participative processes give deep insights to the management, which in turn puts the latter in a better bargaining position while dealing with unions.
Denison in the year 1990 elaborated on a large number of benefits of participative management. This is after Kanter made useful contributions in the subject from 1983-1989. According to him participative management allows for innovation and knowledge sharing between the managers and the workers, those who are contiguous to the products being made. They being the closest can give better feedback for quality control, devise efficient manufacturing processes and strategize for the same.
Apart from the above mentioned workers, Markowitz and Lawler have also worked independently in the field. Nonetheless we may enumerate the benefits of participative management as follows:
Participative management thus results in overall increase of the ownership of work of an employee. This empowerment can lead to increased efficiency, better productivity, improved morale and job satisfaction. But the fact the participative management requires an overall change in the organizational culture, the implementation of the same, specially when there is a bureaucratic style of decision making in place, can be a major challenge!
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