Change Management and Organizations
February 12, 2025
A couple of decades ago, India was considered to be a third world country with limited economic potential. When the idea of outsourcing first came up, most executives in the United States thought that Central American nations or Ireland would prove to be a better fit. However, two decades later, India is the ultimate destination […]
3PL Logistics Service Providers are many in the market. There are players from Multi National background, regional players, local companies and individually managed business organizations. Warehousing business, on the other hand, can flow through warehouses, consolidation and merging centers, finished goods stocking points, forward locations, raw material warehouses, JIT/VMI operations, Bonded warehouses, in plant warehouses, […]
Total Quality management refers to a continuous effort of management along with the employees of a particular organization to improve the quality of products and services. Businesses need to emphasize on quality of their products rather than quantity to survive the fierce competition. Remember in today’s scenario, there is no dearth of competitors in the […]
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plans if well planned and implemented can help mitigate risks and loss to the business. With increasing competition and complexity of systems and reliance on IT technology, Organizations are focusing in this area to ensure they do not lose out on the business operations in the event of any disaster […]
Business Process Improvement projects are ideally suited for every business operation, especially to augment the process efficiency, to implement process changes and to take the business operations to the next level and meet with the Business demands and Customer expectations. For any BPI project to be successful, the leadership and the ownership of the Business […]
Business Process Improvement projects are undertaken by Organizations from time to time to improve their internal performance and operational efficiencies.
Success of BPI project depends largely upon two factors:
It is the Project Implementation Team that is mainly responsible for managing and driving the project using the EIT or the Executive Team consisting of Management to sponsor and facilitate the program.
Depending upon the Project and the process, it is better to limit the size of the PIT team to around twenty at the most. The members of the PIT team should be selected from amongst the department leaders or those that are leading the process from each of the concerned department.
PIT members who are chosen from the operational teams would need to be oriented and trained in BPI techniques. They come equipped with the process knowledge. When trained and equipped with the BPI techniques, they will be able to take the responsibility of designing improved processes and implementing the improved process.
The brief activities of the PIT Team would entail:
Depending upon the size of the project and the complexity of the process that needs to be improved, the implementation plan may warrant forming additional sub implementation teams that are smaller in size to focus on certain sub processes.
Typically when a process improvement involves automation or introduction of new technology or total change of process which needs to be implemented and transitioned without disturbing the ongoing operations or with least down time affecting the business operations, it becomes necessary to have smaller teams that can focus on the specific part of the process or on the critical sub processes.
In cases where the team requires a functionalist specialist to be involved in contributing to the process improvement, such specialists may be engaged for specific tasks. These specialists may come from within the Organization or may need to be hired.
In cases where the process is being transitioned to an ERP system driven process and is being automated, the need for the functional IT specialist becomes necessary for the process discussions and implementations. In such cases, the ERP vendor would need to bring in his functional specialist to participate in designing the improved process.
The above are but a few of the critical components of a BPI team. Depending upon the span of control and the scale of the project, suitable sub teams, groups and additional resources may have to be deployed as the case may be.
In case a improved process implementation is scheduled across several business units at the same time and if it involves more than one geographical location, then the project management team would have to be structured suitably to ensure effective control, monitoring as well as local ownership at all locations.
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