Control Based Processes
February 12, 2025
What is Davos and why it is so important for the Global Movers and Shakers? Davos, a small town in Switzerland, is otherwise famous for the Annual gathering of the world’s political, business, and celebrity elites hosted by the World Economic Forum or the WEF, a private think tank that has been founded by one […]
DMADV is a six sigma methodology. It is used to design new processes or products where none exist and get it right in the first time. This is a part of the DFSS “Design For Six Sigma” concepts which place focus on creating processes right the first time. The focus of DMADV is on quantifying […]
Privatization of airports is not a new idea. Many politicians have implemented it as an important economic policy. Margaret Thatcher was one of the first politicians to use privatization as an important policy measure. Her government privatized essential entities like the British Airways as well as the Heathrow airport in the 1970’s. Donald Trump has […]
As children, we have always had to prove to our teachers or our parents that we have been working. The homework book was proof that we have spent our time productively and would often calm down angry parents and teachers. It seems like the same principles also apply in corporate life! Harvard Business Review has […]
Multinational companies are facing the problem of knowledge management. Industries like software and ITES hire extremely skilled employees to work for them. However, they face several problems. This is because the skill lies in the “employee’s minds” and not in the system. As a result, if the employee goes on long leave or quits the […]
The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith is perhaps one of the most influential books on Economics in all history. However, not many people know that it is in this book that the idea of improving processes to increase productivity and therefore profit was born.
Although Adam Smith called it “division of labor” and not business process management, he was referring to the same idea. The concept is illustrated with the help of a pin factory example as follows:
Adam Smith spoke about an old pin factory where each laborer would produce the whole pin i.e. from raw material to finished product himself. Smith realized that a lot of time of such a laborer was spent in moving from one job to another and switching tools required for different jobs. This time, he concluded, was being spent in an unproductive manner.
He then saw that in the same factory, when different people were doing different activities i.e. one man was drawing the wire, the second was shaping it, the third making only pin heads and the fourth assembling the pin to complete the product, this time was being used much more effectively. Productivity went through the roof and costs were cut into a fraction of what they were. The concept of process was born and was taking the developed western world by storm.
Adam Smith also realized that such simplification of individual tasks made it possible for the workers to increase their dexterity. The productivity increased even more as workers went faster up the learning curve. Lastly as the jobs were being reduced to simple tasks, it gave an impetus to mechanization. It is much simpler to make a machine to do one part of the process, rather than to make a machine to do the entire process.
The above example by Adam Smith showed that it was possible to increase the productivity by a factor of 10 or more if processes were efficient enough. Corporations of the day realized this revolutionary idea and soon it became the bedrock of the industrial revolution. All business endeavors today try to compete with each other by building more efficient processes to meet the needs of their customers. Every Fortune 500 companies today claim to be process driven. The study of processes has today become a separate science which we call Business Process Management (BPM).
The idea of processes might be old, but it is still very much valid. Almost all business organizations that have become big have adopted the process paradigm. Some of the famous names are as follows:
These examples show how some entrepreneurs learned the power of processes and later unleashed them to create history. Each of these entrepreneurs is a first generation entrepreneur but was able to amass far more wealth than many rich families had done over the period of many years. Process management and improvement therefore remains an important tool and organizations of all sizes pay attention to maintain and improve it. They know it can make or break their future.
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