Current Employment Trends and Their Implications for Business, Society, and Individuals
February 12, 2025
Social entrepreneurs are those who use innovative approaches to social problems such as poverty, lack of access to healthcare in the rural areas, difficulties in bridging the gap between employability and unemployed youth, and problems such as lack of access to credit for women. In these and other cases, technology plays a prominent role as […]
The New Normal of Job Insecurity and Joblessness In recent months, we have been reading and hearing a lot about how Middle Level Managers and Senior Managers in the IT (Information Technology) sector are being laid off. Further, we are also seeing reports about how even those in supposedly high positions in the Industry have […]
In the previous article, we looked at some of the factors that help the employers determine the level of compensation to be given to employees. In this article, we look at the factors that affect compensation from the perspective of the employee. What this means is that the employee should not be constrained by the […]
Organizations function according to some norms and values as well as have characteristic organizational culture that is the product of the above elements. Compliance with ethical norms is an integral aspect of every employee’s work and organizations strive to ensure that policies are being followed, no norms are being violated, and above all, employees stick […]
Introduction Entrepreneurship is a tricky thing and unless, entrepreneurs are on top of the game all the time, the chances for failure are very high. Research has shown that not more than 10% of all new ventures go past the second year of their existence and that entrepreneurs often end up on the wrong side […]
A career development program is a planned mechanism to integrate a series of activities related to individual career planning by the employees and organizational career management for the employees.
The main objective of designing and developing a career management program is to provide employees with an opportunity to grow within the organization and expand their horizons and upgrade and use their skills to maximum possible extent so that the organization can be benefited ultimately.
Times have changed and so have the needs and aspirations of employees. Gone are the days when they would stick to their job until their retirement.
In today’s world, when there is so much to explore and achieve, they simply can’t afford to be static. They need continuous development and evolvement of themselves and reach new heights.
Career program in such a scenario tries to strike a balance between the employee requirements and objectives and organizations requirements and objectives.
The entire program is a consortium of several activities and workshops that help in fostering better communication at all levels of organization so everyone can understand each other’s requirements, skills and competencies.
The program also gives employees an opportunity to understand their own desires and aspirations and feasibility of their goals so that they can assess their skills and competencies and therefore, set realistic goals.
Once a career program is introduced in the organization, the top management has to make sure that it serves the purpose for which it has been introduced and implemented. There are several factors that indicate the effectiveness of a career program. By assessing and analyzing them, the HR professionals can measure till what extent the program has been successful.
Lesser the difference between the two, more successful the program is. But before matching the two, HR managers should make sure that the set standards were feasible to achieve and achieved output is calculated without any bias.
Along with this, a positive change in the attitude and behaviour of employees and adequacy of organizational career information can also be seen as indicators of career program effectiveness.
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