Conducting the Knowledge Transfer
February 12, 2025
In the last decade or so, the threats to the working environment of companies have multiplied ranging from 9-11 type attacks, earthquakes and the spread of diseases like SARS. Further, there is the very real threat of natural and manmade disasters like these disrupting the working patterns of organizations. Hence, there is a need to […]
As children, we have always had to prove to our teachers or our parents that we have been working. The homework book was proof that we have spent our time productively and would often calm down angry parents and teachers. It seems like the same principles also apply in corporate life! Harvard Business Review has […]
International Trade has become the order of the day in the current environment of Globalization. The nature of economies namely under developed, developing and developed countries as well as the availability of natural resources, labor, technology and capital required for production etc play a important role in countries economy as well as its reliance on […]
The past few generations have become used to money being issued by the government. Hence, there is an implicit assumption that maybe this has always been the case. However, this is not the case. Many people will be surprised to know that creating money was not always the job of the government. Private money was […]
Why Nations are Similar to Firms When Deciding on What to Make and What to Buy Businesses often decide on what to make themselves and what to buy from outside. Indeed, any business must first determine what its core competency is and which sector it would be based in and then, ensure that its processes, […]
Just like there are many types of discrete data charts available, there are also many types of continuous control charts available. The Six Sigma process methodology prescribes which chart must be used when. The prescription in the case of continuous data points is largely based on sample size.
Below is the list of the different control charts that need to be used for different sample sizes:
Individual Chart: In the case of an individual data chart, each observation is plotted as a separate data point. This means that there is no rational subgrouping of data. This chart must therefore be used when the sample size equals 1.
Moving Range Charts: Unlike the individual data chart, the moving range chart plots the difference between two data consecutive points. The sample size of this type of control chart is therefore 2. Here the rational subgrouping of data points is based on whether they are consecutive. The moving range data charts therefore have one less data point as compared to the individual charts.
X Bar R Chart: The X bar and R chart are used to control a process when the sample size is small and constant. This is because in small sample sizes, the range of the sample approximates the standard deviation, which would be pointless to calculate, given the small size.
The X bar and R Chart are actually two different charts, which need to be looked in tandem to understand the behaviour of a process. The X bar chart shows the average performance of the process. The R chart which plots the difference between the smallest and largest value explains the variability of the process.
X Bar S Chart: The X bar and S charts are used when the sample size used to conduct the study is large and/or variable. As in the case of X bar and R chart, X bar and S charts too have a number of values. The X bar chart ensures that the mean of the process is in control whereas the S chart monitors the standard deviation. When used in tandem, they help monitor the performance of a very large process with relative ease.
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