Brand Extension – A Success or Failure ?
February 12, 2025
Social Media Marketing is the latest game in marketing. Whether you have a product or a service to market, you have no option but to be present in various social media channels for this is where your existing and prospective customers are. More importantly your customers are talking and sharing their ideas, experiences and information […]
Any public limited or a private company needs to have a board of directors which would ratify the management decisions taken by the leadership. These decisions can be financial or operational that affects the day to day running of the company. Further, the board of directors is expected to give a direction to the company […]
What is “Business to Business Marketing” ? Let us first understand the meaning of Business. Any organization or firm actively involved in the transaction of goods and services to the consumers/end users is known as business. As the name suggests “Business to Business Marketing” (B2B Marketing) refers to the exchange of either goods or services […]
With the advent of globalization, marketers have had the opportunity to market to a global audience from many countries and cultures. Products are no longer the traditional goods and services and instead the emphasis is on brand building and marketing brands as part of a comprehensive marketing effort to reach out to consumers. In this […]
A market refers to a set up where two or more parties are involved in transaction of goods and services in exchange of money. The two parties here are known as sellers and buyers. It is the responsibility of the marketers to create awareness of their products amongst the consumers. It is essential for the […]
Co branding is the utilization of two or more brands to name a new product. The ingredient brands help each other to achieve their aims. The overall synchronization between the brand pair and the new product has to be kept in mind.
Example of co-branding - Citibank co-branded with MTV to launch a co-branded debit card. This card is beneficial to customers who can avail benefits at specific outlets called MTV Citibank club.
Co-branding is of two types: Ingredient co-branding and Composite co-branding.
For instance - Dell computers has co-branding strategy with Intel processors. The brands which are ingredients are usually the company’s biggest buyers or present suppliers. The ingredient brand should be unique. It should either be a major brand or should be protected by a patent.
Ingredient co-branding leads to better quality products, superior promotions, more access to distribution channel and greater profits. The seller of ingredient brand enjoys long-term customer relations. The brand manufacture can benefit by having a competitive advantage and the retailer can benefit by enjoying a promotional help from ingredient brand.
Co-branding has various advantages, such as:
But co-branding is not free from limitations.
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