Control Based Processes
February 12, 2025
The other modules discuss the phenomenon of globalization and the ongoing global economic crisis among other topics. This module is intended to discuss the salient aspects of the global economy including the structural features and the way in which several competing trends and factors influence the workings of the global economy. For instance, the global […]
India and China are two of the fastest growing economies in the world. They are also neighbors and share a huge boundary spanning thousands of kilometers. However, they do not share an amicable relationship. India and China have fought a full-fledged war in 1962. Even after the war, skirmishes between the two emerging nations have […]
Stratification is used mostly in the define stage of a six sigma project. When to use the stratification technique is still on the decision of the people involved in the project. However fairly good cues are given by the fact that the spread of the data is too large. If the points are scattered all […]
A Job can be described as a group of tasks which is assigned to the individual employees for ensuring achievement of the organizational goals. When this job is analyzed in terms of determination of the skills, duties and knowledge required for completion of tasks, it is regarded as Job analysis. In the words of Geisler […]
What is the Hindu Rate of Growth and is the Indian Economy returning to it? For a long time from Independence to the mid 1980s, the Indian Economy used to grow at 3-4% or at the most, 5% a year. Indeed, in the decades following Independence, economists were fond of saying that India is not […]
The number one problem with BPM today is that most of the practitioners are unable to understand the system viewpoint. The employees of the same business have conflicting objectives. Therefore a human resource professional may end up optimizing their process, but may have an adverse effect on the functioning of a marketing department. Thus problems are merely being shifted than actually being resolved. A good understanding of how the process connects to other activities and processes will help solve this problem and achieve sustainable progress.
As an example consider a leave granting process in any big organization. There are explicit rules which define the number of leaves that a person can take as well as the procedure to get them approved. Thus although it may look like the manager is taking the decisions with regards to granting leave, all they are doing is following a pre-defined procedure. Thus no matter who the manager is, the decisions will always remain consistent because they are taken on the basis of rules rather than on the basis of who is involved. Such rules are usually laid down as if, then and else conditions in the process.
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