Control Based Processes
February 12, 2025
Warranty Management had been traditionally viewed by companies as a cost of doing business. The costs of warranty management were found to be costing between 4 to 5 percent of the total sales revenue of the company per annum and were considered to be the cost of providing customer satisfaction and as an opportunity to […]
FG Supply Chain consists of all activities involved in movement, storage and distribution of Finished Goods from the Delivery point of Plant to the Point of Sale. In the case of global supply chains, supply chain management gets more complicated with the variations arising out of different countries regulations and logistical practices. Computer Hardware supply […]
Anything That Goes Up Has To Come Down! The Big Tech Meltdown and Its Causes and Consequences Once considered the “darling” of stock markets and the world in general, it does look like the “party’s over” for Big Tech firms! From Tesla to Twitter, and from Meta to Microsoft, with Amazon and Google following suit, […]
IT systems are the most sensitive systems that are prone to failure and disaster. The risks that can cause breakdown of the systems and loss of data are many. As the data is something that is very important for the existence and continuity of the business, every Organization needs to have a proper Disaster Recovery […]
What is meant by the Shock of Gray and its Implications? The Shock of Gray is a term used to describe the ageing of the populations in the West with the retirement of the Baby Boomer generation and the resultant “graying” of the western societies. This phenomenon has several economic implications mainly related to the […]
The number one problem with BPM today is that most of the practitioners are unable to understand the system viewpoint. The employees of the same business have conflicting objectives. Therefore a human resource professional may end up optimizing their process, but may have an adverse effect on the functioning of a marketing department. Thus problems are merely being shifted than actually being resolved. A good understanding of how the process connects to other activities and processes will help solve this problem and achieve sustainable progress.
As an example consider a leave granting process in any big organization. There are explicit rules which define the number of leaves that a person can take as well as the procedure to get them approved. Thus although it may look like the manager is taking the decisions with regards to granting leave, all they are doing is following a pre-defined procedure. Thus no matter who the manager is, the decisions will always remain consistent because they are taken on the basis of rules rather than on the basis of who is involved. Such rules are usually laid down as if, then and else conditions in the process.
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