Control Based Processes
February 12, 2025
The e-pharmacy sector in India has been witnessing a lot of startup activity. More than 200 start-ups have sprung up in this space, and some of them have gained considerable resources. For example, 1mg has raised more than $50 million in seed funding from American private equity firms. Medlife, which is a similar start-up has […]
Electricity was the big invention during the 20th century. The governments at that time took the measures that were necessary to ensure that electricity was available at reasonable prices to every citizen. This is the reason why electricity is such an integral part of any human civilization today. Just like electricity was the biggest innovation […]
The scatter plot can be a useful tool in understanding the type of relationship that exist between the inputs (X’s) and the outputs (Y’s) No Relationship: The scatter plot can give an obvious suggestion if the inputs and outputs on the graph are not related. The points will be scattered throughout the graph with no […]
Elon Musk launched his car company Tesla in order to make cars that would not harm the environment. He has marketed Tesla as being an eco-friendly car. Also, some of the largest economies in the world like China and the United States plan to switch to electric cars in the next couple of decades. The […]
Tesla is the company that has propelled Elon Musk from obscurity to stardom. It’s hard to believe that the redundant electric vehicle market was made hugely popular by Elon Musk’s Tesla cars. Tesla cars are not an economy vehicle by any chance. Instead, the average price is close to $100,000. Tesla has become a role […]
The number one problem with BPM today is that most of the practitioners are unable to understand the system viewpoint. The employees of the same business have conflicting objectives. Therefore a human resource professional may end up optimizing their process, but may have an adverse effect on the functioning of a marketing department. Thus problems are merely being shifted than actually being resolved. A good understanding of how the process connects to other activities and processes will help solve this problem and achieve sustainable progress.
As an example consider a leave granting process in any big organization. There are explicit rules which define the number of leaves that a person can take as well as the procedure to get them approved. Thus although it may look like the manager is taking the decisions with regards to granting leave, all they are doing is following a pre-defined procedure. Thus no matter who the manager is, the decisions will always remain consistent because they are taken on the basis of rules rather than on the basis of who is involved. Such rules are usually laid down as if, then and else conditions in the process.
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