Current Employment Trends and Their Implications for Business, Society, and Individuals
February 12, 2025
Employee satisfaction plays an essential role in motivating the employees to deliver their level best and also leads to a positive ambience at the workplace. Employee satisfaction is no rocket science and trust me; it does not take much to satisfy your employees. Small but sincere efforts are enough to satisfy employees so that they […]
Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOP’s) are one of the most popular ways in which modern startup companies reward their early employees. In Silicon Valley, many companies such as Google and Facebook have used Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOP’s) to lure the best talent from the market. Since these companies have become very successful, there are […]
Introduction: HRM in the Industrial and the Post-Industrial Eras The field of HRM or Human Resource Management has evolved from the time HR managers were primarily responsible to settling labour disputes and taking care of payroll during the Industrial Era to the time where they were primarily tasked with enabling performance, empowering employees, and providing […]
How HR Managers are vexed by the Problem of Good Interview Candidates Research has shown that there are many instances of jobseekers excelling in the interviews, but, failing on the job, once they are recruited and placed in projects. While this problem has been around for a while, in recent years, it has become so […]
Linkedin Advises: When you log in to your LinkedIn account, it sometimes comes up with a suggestion whether you are willing to endorse some of your connections for certain skills or not. In this case, you do not have to think much about which skills you need to endorse people for. A pop-up shows at […]
A career development system includes a variety of components for use in the organizations.
In order to increase the efficiency of the system, the HR mangers must have complete knowledge about these tools since they play a role of consultant when employees and supervisors use this system. Plus, they are responsible for designing and developing an effective career development system for their organization.
Some activities or components are known as individual career planning tools while some are used for organizational career management.
To achieve greater efficiency, most organizations use a right combination of both types of activities.
Let us understand these tools and activities to learn in-depth about career development system:
It allows them to receive feedback from others and check the reality of their plans and aspirations. They may change their plans if they find them unrealistic and move in new direction.
Some organizations hire them from outside while some have their own full fledged departments where they recruit and hire trainers for full time. It helps employees in understanding their own goals, making a change in them if required and working on improving their skills and competencies.
Johnson & Johnson is one company that uses these programs to assess the careers of their employees and evaluate their potential in order to facilitate the staffing and development of special teams known as “tiger teams”. These special teams are formed to speed up the development of new products. The most popular programs under this category include assessment centers, psychological testing, 360 degree appraisal, promotability forecasts and succession planning.
In addition to these programs, there are several other components of a career development system such as career programs for special target groups, fast-track or high potential employees, supervisors, senior-level employees, women, technical employees, minorities and employees with disabilities, etc.
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