Cultural Levels and Business
February 12, 2025
Green GDP In the search for a better system to account for our economy, researchers have looked at various options. We explored the GDP option and the sustainability analysis option in the past few articles. However, as we have seen both these systems are at odds with each other and it seems like there is […]
Introduction Technology is a term that is frequently used in the business world. It is a term habitually related to science. But there is a significant difference between the two. Science comprises of outcomes of basic academic studies whereas technology infers to the relevant application of science. This difference is critical when it is to […]
The Fintech revolution has startled many industries. Insurance is one of the industries that have been affected. A large percentage of insurance executives believe that they use outdated technology as a part of their day to day operations. Hence, they are also of the opinion that the insurance industry is prone to attacks and disruptive […]
Success in the workplace depends on your ability to build a team, as well as to interact with others on that team. Together, people are able to accomplish what one person alone can not. This is known as synergy. Following are the characteristics of a Good/Effective team: A clear, elevating goal: This is a goal […]
Employee satisfaction plays an essential role in motivating the employees to deliver their level best and also leads to a positive ambience at the workplace. Employee satisfaction is no rocket science and trust me; it does not take much to satisfy your employees. Small but sincere efforts are enough to satisfy employees so that they […]
Corporate Governance refers to the way a corporation is governed. It is the technique by which companies are directed and managed. It means carrying the business as per the stakeholders’ desires. It is actually conducted by the board of Directors and the concerned committees for the company’s stakeholder’s benefit. It is all about balancing individual and societal goals, as well as, economic and social goals.
Corporate Governance is the interaction between various participants (shareholders, board of directors, and company’s management) in shaping corporation’s performance and the way it is proceeding towards. The relationship between the owners and the managers in an organization must be healthy and there should be no conflict between the two. The owners must see that individual’s actual performance is according to the standard performance. These dimensions of corporate governance should not be overlooked.
Corporate Governance deals with the manner the providers of finance guarantee themselves of getting a fair return on their investment. Corporate Governance clearly distinguishes between the owners and the managers. The managers are the deciding authority. In modern corporations, the functions/ tasks of owners and managers should be clearly defined, rather, harmonizing.
Corporate Governance deals with determining ways to take effective strategic decisions. It gives ultimate authority and complete responsibility to the Board of Directors.
In today’s market-oriented economy, the need for corporate governance arises. Also, efficiency as well as globalization are significant factors urging corporate governance. Corporate Governance is essential to develop added value to the stakeholders.
Corporate Governance ensures transparency which ensures strong and balanced economic development. This also ensures that the interests of all shareholders (majority as well as minority shareholders) are safeguarded. It ensures that all shareholders fully exercise their rights and that the organization fully recognizes their rights.
Corporate Governance has a broad scope. It includes both social and institutional aspects. Corporate Governance encourages a trustworthy, moral, as well as ethical environment.
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