Critical Success Factors for Virtual Teams
February 12, 2025
Comparative public administration focuses on Public Administration as a field of study and research rather simple execution of tasks. Haroon A. Khan defined the Comparative Public administration as a quest for searching patterns and regularities in administrative behavior and action and to characterize them in present day nation states. It is interesting to note why […]
Reinsurance contracts tend to be very complicated. As we have already studied in the previous articles, a wide variety of complicated structures with various cash flow probabilities are associated with reinsurance contracts. Hence, it needs to be understood that the complicated nature of these reinsurance contracts sometimes ends up creating complicated accounting policies as well. […]
The Transformational Leadership of Steve Jobs Anyone and everyone who owns a Smartphone must be thankful to Steve Jobs, the late legendary founder of the tech firm, Apple, who not only ushered in the Smartphone revolution, but was also singlehandedly responsible for changing our perceptions about what a mobile phone can and could do. Indeed, […]
Introduction A network society refers to the phenomenon related to the social, political, economic and cultural changes that have occurred due to the spread of the networks of digital and information technologies that have engendered the changes in the areas mentioned above. The rise of the network society has brought in its wake newer modes […]
The millennial consumers are remarkably different from their predecessors. This is true in the sense that whilst earlier generations preferred to own as many resources as possible, the current generation prefers to rent. This is the reason why apps supporting the on-demand economy have ended up disrupting multi-billion-dollar industries. Take the case of Uber, which […]
Virtual team environment is characterized by uncertainty, fluid membership and task complexity. It is not easy for everyone to be productive and efficient in the specific demands of virtual environment. Those, whose performance is dependent on the significant workplace structure, are unable to deliver at their full potential in virtual settings. For a successful virtual team, utmost care has to be taken while selecting a team member. HR manager as well as virtual team leader has to look for competencies beyond just good technical and communication skills.
Here individual competencies are defined as the knowledge, skills and abilities possessed by an individual to perform his tasks effectively as well as to aid team building.
The understanding of these critical competencies of virtual team members is essential for hiring the right candidates for the job as well as for designing the training programs for the virtual team members. This would ensure virtual teams to be successful and effective in meeting their project milestones.
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