Changing Organizational Culture
February 12, 2025
Sequence of sudden unwanted events leading to major disturbances at the workplace is called crisis. Crisis arises on an extremely short notice and triggers a feeling of fear and uncertainty in the employees. It is essential for the superiors to sense the early signs of crisis and warn the employees against the same. Once a […]
Communication plays an important role in negotiation. What is negotiation ? Negotiation is nothing but a discussion among individuals to reach to an alternative which would satisfy all. How is an effective discussion possible ? Only through communication. An effective communication is directly proportional to an effective negotiation. The better the communication is the better […]
The dissimilarity in the ideas and opinions of individuals result in a conflict. One needs to adjust with each other to some extent to avoid conflicts and better relations. Conflicts and fights must be prevented to avoid its adverse consequences like stress, anxiety and unnecessary tensions. Communication has a big role to play in conflict […]
Mintzberg and Quin (1991) proposed 4 broad situational factors which can influence the extent to which an organization can change. These factors are organizational age and size, the technical systems of the organization, organizational environment and the nature of control exerted from various sources. Organizational Age and Size: This is one of the most important […]
John Kotter (1996), a Harvard Business School Professor and a renowned change expert, in his book “Leading Change”, introduced 8 Step Model of Change which he developed on the basis of research of 100 organizations which were going through a process of change. The 8 steps in the process of change include: creating a sense […]
An organization is nothing but a common platform where individuals from different backgrounds come together and work as a collective unit to achieve certain objectives and targets. The word organization derived from the Greek work “organon” is a set up where people join hands to earn a living for themselves as well as earn profits for the company. An organization consists of individuals with different specializations, educational qualifications and work experiences all working towards a common goal. Here the people are termed as employees.
The employees are the major assets of an organization and contribute effectively in its successful functioning. It is essential for the employees to be loyal towards their organization and strive hard in furthering its brand image. An organization can’t survive if the employees are not at all serious about it and treat their work as a burden. The employees must enjoy whatever they do for them to deliver their level best.
The attitude, traits and behavioral patterns which govern the way an individual interacts with others is termed as culture. Culture is something which one inherits from his ancestors and it helps in distinguishing one individual from the other.
Every human being has certain personality traits which help them stand apart from the crowd. No two individuals behave in a similar way. In the same way organizations have certain values, policies, rules and guidelines which help them create an image of their own.
Organization culture refers to the beliefs and principles of a particular organization. The culture followed by the organization has a deep impact on the employees and their relationship amongst themselves.
Every organization has a unique culture making it different from the other and giving it a sense of direction. It is essential for the employees to understand the culture of their workplace to adjust well.
In organization A, the employees are not at all disciplined and are least bothered about the rules and regulations. They reach their office at their own sweet time and spend their maximum time gossiping and loitering around.
This organization follows employee friendly policies and it is mandatory for all to adhere to them. It is important for the employees to reach their workplace on time and no one is allowed to unnecessarily roam around or spread rumours.
Which organization do you feel would perform better ? — Obviously organization B
The employees follow a certain culture in organization B making it more successful than organization A.
No two organizations can have the same culture. The values or policies of a non-profit organization would be different from that of a profit making entity or employees working in a restaurant would follow a different culture as compared to those associated with education industry or a manufacturing industry.
Broadly there are two types of organization culture:
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