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Every individual has his own characteristic way of behaving, responding to emotions, perceiving things and looking at the world. No two individuals are similar.

You might like going out for parties but your friend might prefer staying back at home reading his/her favourite book. It is really not necessary that if you like partying around, your friend will also like the same. Here comes the role of personality.

What an individual sees in his childhood days and most importantly his/her growing days form his personality. How an individual is raised plays an important role in shaping his/her personality.

Personality is nothing but the aggregate conglomeration of memories and incidents in an individual’s entire life span. Environmental factors, family background, financial conditions, genetic factors, situations and circumstances also contribute to an individual’s personality.

In a layman’s language, how we behave in our day to day lives reflects our personality. How an individual behaves depends on his family background, upbringing, social status and so on.

An individual with a troubled childhood would not open up easily. He/she would always hesitate to open his heart in front of others. Some kind of fear would always be there within him. An individual who never had any major problems in life would be an extrovert and would never have issues interacting and socializing with others.

You really can’t blame an individual for not being an extrovert. It is essential to check his/her background or past life. It is quite possible that as a child, he/she was not allowed to go out of his home, play and freak out with friends. These individuals start believing that their home is their only world and they are not safe outside. Such a mindset soon becomes their personality.

Personality Development

Personality also influences what we think, our beliefs, values and expectations. What we think about others depends on our personality.

In a layman’s language personality is defined as the personal qualities and characteristics of an individual. Personality is how we interact with others.

Personality is a sum of characteristics of an individual which makes him different from the others. It is our personality which makes us unique and helps us stand apart from the crowd.

Determinants of Personality

Following are the factors which help in shaping one’s personality:

  1. Heredity - Heredity refers to factors that are determined once an individual is born. An individual’s physique, attractiveness, body type, complexion, body weight depend on his/her parents biological makeup.

  2. Environment - The environment to which an individual is subjected to during his growing years plays an important role in determining his/her personality. The varied cultures in which we are brought up and our family backgrounds have a crucial role in shaping our personalities.

  3. Situation - An individual’s personality also changes with current circumstances and situations. An individual would behave in a different way when he/she has enough savings with him and his behavior would automatically change when he is bankrupt.

An individual’s appearance, character, intelligence, attractiveness, efficiency, style determine his/her personality.

What is Personality Development ?

Personality development is defined as a process of developing and enhancing one’s personality. Personality development helps an individual to gain confidence and high self esteem.

Personality development is said to have a positive impact on one’s communication skills and the way he/she sees the world. Individuals tend to develop a positive attitude as a result of personality development.

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MSG Team

An insightful writer passionate about sharing expertise, trends, and tips, dedicated to inspiring and informing readers through engaging and thoughtful content.

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