Country of Origin Effects on Marketing
February 12, 2025
New product development refers to introducing a new product and launching the same in the market keeping in minds customers’ needs and expectations from respective organizations. Bringing a new product in the market and ensuring the same is accepted by end-users is extremely challenging and requires brainstorming which eventually leads to generation of unique and […]
Press Releases and their Importance The previous articles discussed the various aspects of media and the role of media in shaping public opinion. We had also discussed how press conferences and press meets are to be organized and listed some points for the successful media management strategies. Continuing in the same vein, this article discusses […]
As Social Media Grows in Importance, Marketers are Turning to Influencer Marketing We live in times when social media is all pervasive and all important not only for individuals, but also for business entities. Indeed, no business can afford not to have a presence on social media which translates into mandatorily having a Facebook and […]
CSR Initiatives in Primary and Secondary Education CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives can extend to the realm of primary and secondary education. This entails close engagement and involvement of corporates in the schools, colleges, and universities where the corporates provide for funds, training, and associated programs with a view to educate the future workforce […]
Promoting a brand is more important than opening a store. It is essential to create brand awareness for the customers to know about the brand’s existence. The retailer must strive hard to communicate the USPs (Unique selling Proposition) of the brand to influence the buying behaviour of the customers. In simpler words, advertisements help the […]
Marketing mix for companies comprises of 4 Ps Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Price is directly related to bottom-line of any business. Profitability of product is required for future operation of the company. Price strategy should communicate to the customer the value company is providing.
There is in-numerable price related challenges in the market for companies. Furthermore, with the advent of internet customer awareness for pricing information has improved. Sites like Priceline and eBay are encouraging customer to name their price for products as well as services.
Pricing strategy is dynamic in nature and should reflect changing condition in competition as well as the market. Overall price strategies follow six step model:
Companies need to plot the demand curve with respect to price as to understand price sensitivity. This demand curve can be estimated using statistical methods by analyzing historical data or by perform price related experiments to understand what customers are willing to pay or through market research and putting the question directly to the customer.
Generally, it is observed that production level increase cost per unit decreases owing to the learning curve effect which comes through experience. Activity based costing is getting in prominence as to allocate the cost properly which helps in estimation profit correctly.
Another way of cost setting is through the target costing, made famous by Japanese companies. In target costing companies set price and profit level. After which they concentrate on cost as to maintain the profit level.
Perceived value pricing method talks about setting price based on the perceived value in consumer price and companies ability to deliver that value.
In value pricing method, companies charge lower price for high quality product from loyal customers. This method is usually seen in the super market. Auction type pricing, going rate pricing and group pricing are other pricing methods.
Pricing should adapt to factors like geographical location, market segment and economic conditions. Companies should remain flexible towards pricing policy and change as per market dynamics. Companies should also not react blindly to price change by competition rather should focus on analyzing the underlying motives.
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