Cultural Influences on Financial Decisions
February 12, 2025
Bavarian Motor Works (BMW), which is a world famous car manufacturing company, has now set up its plant in Mexico. The company plans to use this plant to manufacture more of its famous 3 series vehicles. The unique thing about this plant is that it has been set up despite Trump’s constant blackmail to automobile […]
Nickel Shortage During the 1970’s, nickel was in extremely short supply in the world. This is because Canada was the largest supplier of nickel and there were certain supply issues with the Canadian nickel. On the other hand, the demand for nickel was booming given the Vietnam War which was underway. Therefore, as a result […]
Marketing Management has evolved to become a multi faceted and all embracing science over a period of time. Studies in Marketing do not involve the 4Ps anymore. The markets, geographies, the consumer segments have changed leading to multi tier and complex networks and relationships. Marketing Managers of today are no longer following the same rules […]
External Sources of Funding Though the term nonprofits refers to organizations whose motive is not to make profits, they still need funding for financing their day to day operations that include paying salaries, running expenditure, and costs incurred for maintaining the offices and running the campaigns. There are many sources of funding for nonprofits and […]
The theory was developed by Robert House and has its roots in the expectancy theory of motivation. The theory is based on the premise that an employee’s perception of expectancies between his effort and performance is greatly affected by a leader’s behavior. The leaders help group members in attaining rewards by clarifying the paths to […]
In the previous articles, we have read about the meteoric rise of cryptocurrencies. We know that investments in these currencies have provided unprecedented returns. Many experts are attributing it to the number of advantages that cryptocurrencies have to offer. However, it needs to be understood that cryptocurrencies are still a nascent technology. Hence, there are still many significant disadvantages to investing in cryptocurrencies. In this article, we will provide an overview of the various disadvantages. It needs to be understood that each of these disadvantages needs to be explained insignificant detail which will be done later in the module. This article is just providing a checklist that can be used for ready reference.
Since cryptocurrencies are not regulated by the government, criminals find this to be the best way to launder their money. As an investor, this can be problematic. Since the market is completely anonymous, it is possible that investors could be aiding and abetting such money laundering activities without having any knowledge of the same. It is possible that investors might end up in a legal quagmire simply because they traded cryptocurrencies.
In order to avoid such problems, many investors avoid investing in cryptocurrencies altogether. Apart from the issues mentioned above, many countries have made issuing and accepting cryptocurrencies an illegal activity. If investors trade these currencies despite the ban, then too, they are involved in illegal activities and could face legal repercussions.
Since governments do not have a strong mechanism to determine the exact income from cryptocurrencies, some investors have tried to avoid paying taxes on them. This has landed them in trouble with the tax authorities. In many cases, investors genuinely wanted to pay their dues. However, due to the confusion about the exact nature of tax that needs to be applied to cryptocurrencies, they have been unable to do so. Hence, paying taxes on cryptocurrencies is also a complex task that requires significant transaction costs.
Data theft is common amongst cryptocurrency investors. In the year 2020, the estimated value of data theft related to cryptocurrencies shot up to $2 billion. This number was the result of a 45% increase in the value of thefts as compared to the previous years.
Since there is no centralized authority that facilitates cryptocurrency-based transactions, data thefts are common. Some fintech companies are trying to provide security solutions. However, those solutions will have to be implemented at the individual level and will have to be paid for individually.
The bottom line is that cryptocurrencies markets may have become popular because of the boom in asset prices. However, they have still not become mainstream. Hence, from the point of view of a retail investor, there are still a wide variety of risks that have not been mitigated at the systemic level.
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