Control Based Processes
February 12, 2025
Kernel of an ERP system comprises of a technical module (set of tools) which provides a foundation to various application modules. These tools provide application installation and system administrations functionalities which enables efficient running of applications, within a secured environment. The technical module also provides high level COBOL and 4 GL programming languages (such as […]
Can a Universal Basic Income Scheme be the Game Changer for the Indian Poor? Recently, there were reports in the Indian Media about the Indian Government seriously considering introducing a minimum guaranteed income for its needy citizens and the unemployed. Combined with the other “populist” giveaways such as Farm Loan Waivers and other forms of […]
The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith is perhaps one of the most influential books on Economics in all history. However, not many people know that it is in this book that the idea of improving processes to increase productivity and therefore profit was born. Although Adam Smith called it “division of labor” and not […]
There has been a conspiracy theory amongst Apple iPhone users that Apple slows down the performance of the older phones. The critics of this policy believe that Apple does this to force the users to get rid of their old phones with performance problems. The move is aimed at forcing users to upgrade to newer […]
The international oil market is known to be volatile. Ever since oil was first found, the market is known to have many boom-bust cycles. A perfect example of the same can be seen in the recent changes in the price of oil. Till September 2018, the prices of oil were on an upward trajectory. However, […]
While improving business processes, it is essential that one document the process as well as any improvements made to it. Most consultants will document both the “As-Is Process” as well as the “To-Be Process”. While many think about it as customary and do it for the same reasons, there are other important reasons to document the process. Documenting helps the organization gain long term primary and secondary benefits which have been listed below:
The following are the primary benefits that any organization seeks to gain by explicitly documenting their processes:
Apart from the apparent primary benefits which directly aid in the day to day operations of the firm, there are certain secondary benefits which help the firm analyse and improve its process continuously. Here is how documentation aids in this:
Available For Analysis:When process changes are documented in a detailed manner, they are available for analysis as and when required. This helps the management in understanding the knowledge that was used in designing the best practises that are currently followed. This also helps the management decide whether the best practises followed are indeed relevant in the environment they are operating in and saves them from expensive requirement gathering by consultants where they are billed for by the hour.
Can Be Compared Version To Version:With detailed documentation in place, process improvements can be tracked version to version. This means that the management will have the previous 3 to 4 processes and their performance along with the current process and performance. They can thus see them together and see what changes are producing what results. This will tell them what they are successful at and they can continue doing so.
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