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Do’s of Linkedin

  • Profile Picture: Many people ignore this crucial aspect. If I talk about from my personal experience, I rarely accept a connection request which has an empty blank profile picture. And make sure that your profile picture is not an image of some Bollywood actor or Hollywood actress or any landscape. This should be a professionally clicked camera facing, neat, clear photograph of yours.

  • Tailor Your Messages and Requests: LinkedIn has its own features of sending default messages. Be it someone’s birthday, anniversary, work anniversary, congratulating for the new job, LinkedIn has a set template for every occasion. Leave the temptation of getting into that trap for saving your time. Don’t do it just for the sake of doing this.

  • Connect with Hiring Managers: This is a simple formula. Companies do hire through LinkedIn nowadays. Many companies publish their vacancies and openings through LinkedIn pages. So, if you are connected to an HR person, it is likely that you will get noticed. Connecting with HR people or hiring Managers may carve a way for your future.

  • Be Honest About Your Profile and Experience: This world is very small. Any fake details or exaggerated experience or skills might get caught up and damage your reputation. So, there is no need to overstate anything. Be honest and update what is true.

  • Keep Your Profile Updated: Many of us forget to keep the profile updated whenever any new things happen in our professional life. Remember, if the profile is not updated it will go down in the search list and ranking. So, whenever you take up a new project, any new assignment, receive any award or go for an onsite assignment, make sure to update that in your LinkedIn. It serves in two ways – first, your profile remains updated and whenever you urgently require your updated profile which needs to be shown to a client or may be a prospective recruiter.

  • Be Active: LinkedIn provides several opportunities for you to be active in it. You don’t have to take much pain to be active on this platform. Whenever you login, it comes up with a list of notifications. It says people who have got a new job; you can right away congratulate them. Connections who are promoted in their organization – praise and appreciate them. And while doing this, remember not to use the default template that LinkedIn comes up with. Take time to write a personalized note. It leaves an impact.

Don’ts of Linkedin

Now that we have learned so many Do’s of LinkedIn, there are some actions which are better if we do not do them.

  • Repetitive Request: Suppose if you have sent a connection request to someone, and it’s been months over that it was not accepted, you might get tempted to withdraw it and then again send it afresh. Hold on! It might seem tempting, but better not to do that. Being pushy may not help you always!

  • Don’t Ignore Invitations or Job Proposals: You might be very happy with your current Job and present Boss. But that does not mean that you just ignore the job proposals or offers received through LinkedIn. If you are truly happy with your job right now and in no mood to change it soon, let the recruiter know that in a polite way. Be very honest and tell them that you are not looking for a job in the near future, but keep the door open for future contact.

  • Excessively or Negligible Posting: Some people are over pushy when it comes to social media. They keep posting some or the other things every single day. They keep publicizing their business, their company, posts, articles, blogs, banners and what not! This way, they may lose the relevance of their posts and well as significance.

  • LinkedIn is Not Facebook: Some people just don’t understand the difference between LinkedIn and Facebook. Nowadays, I am noticing that people have just started taking LinkedIn as a Facebook, wherein they will post all the pictures 9which is not necessary at all) rather than useful material. So there is a better place to upload your last trip photos or your vacations outside India. Let LinkedIn remain a platform for professional use.

  • Don’t Hold Back: It means if you are willing to ask recommendations or endorsements from someone, do that right away. Do not be scared to ask people to recommend or endorse you. But remember to send the message to them with whom you have worked, or they have known you through some of your profession related work. They will be the ones who will give you a genuine comment and feedback about your work and you.

  • Don’t Accept Every Single Request: When you get a notification of someone who wants to connect with you, don’t just accept it right away just because you liked the profile picture. Go above it and take some time to navigate his/her profile. Take a tour of his/her profile, if it seems genuine and relevant to you, accept it.

  • Do Not Turn Off Notifications: You can do so on your Facebook or Twitter account, but not with your LinkedIn account as it will do more harm than good. These notifications in LinkedIn will help you remaining active on this platform which will later be beneficial for you only.

  • Don’t Detail Out Everything: As LinkedIn has its own word limitations, one need to be very caution in choosing words. Something which was done 10-15 years back may not be very relevant in today’s context. So keep updating the new ongoing. Try to say more with less. And to do that, you need to know the keywords which will work well for you.

  • Do Not Use Negative Words: If someone has posted something on LinkedIn, avoid posting negative or harsh comments on them. You can still choose to ignore rather than offensive comments.

  • Do Not Share Any Personal Information: This point needs to be carefully remembered by each LinkedIn users. LinkedIn is a professional site wherein only the professionally relevant information should be exchanged. There is absolutely no need to share any information which is your personal.

By following these simple Do’s and don’ts you will easily master the art of using LinkedIn to your best of advantage.

Article Written by

MSG Team

An insightful writer passionate about sharing expertise, trends, and tips, dedicated to inspiring and informing readers through engaging and thoughtful content.

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